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Mette Simonsen Abildgaard
Mette Simonsen Abildgaard
Associate Professor, Aalborg University
cgs.aau.dk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
My Whole Life in Telephones: Material Artifacts as Interview Elicitation Devices
MS Abildgaard
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 17 (1), 1609406918797795, 2018
Looking at Arctic tourism through the lens of cultural sensitivity: ARCTISEN–a transnational baseline report
K Olsen, MS Abildgaard, C Brattland, D Chimirri, C De Bernardi, ...
University of Lapland, 2019
Greenlandic Independence and tourism futures - exploring Modern and Ethnic logics.
D Hall
Tourism, climate change and the geopolitics of arctic development: the …, 2021
(Re-) Appropriating Instagram for Social Research: Three methods for studying obesogenic environments
AK Munk, MS Abildgaard, A Birkbak, MK Petersen
Proceedings of the 7th 2016 International Conference on Social Media …, 2016
Arctic Connectivity
MS Abildgaard, C Ren, I Leyva-Mayorga, C Stefanovic, B Soret, ...
Arctic 75 (1), 72-85, 2022
Toward culturally sensitive tourism: Report from Greenland
C Ren, D Chimirri, MS Abildgaard
fi= Lapin yliopisto| en= University of Lapland|, 2020
Sometimes I think it is hell to be a girl: a longitudinal study of the rise of confessional radio
MS Abildgaard
Media, Culture & Society 37 (2), 232-250, 2015
When doors are removed for our own safety: The material semiotics of telephone booths
MS Abildgaard
Design and Culture, 2019
The Satellite at the End of the World: Infrastructural Encounters in North Greenland
MS Abildgaard
Mobilities on the Margins: Creative Processes of Place-Making, 197-223, 2023
Accessible Radio: Archive, accessibility and materiality in the youth radio programme P4 i P1
MS Abildgaard
The question of Icebergs: a cryo-history of Arctic submarine cables
MS Abildgaard
Polar Record 58, e41, 2022
Sound at Home I: Territory, Materiality and the Extension of Home
M Højlund
Journal of Sonic Studies 21 (1), 2021
Playgrounding Techno-Anthropology
MS Abildgaard, A Birkbak, TE Jensen, AK Madsen, AK Munk
Easst Review 36 (2), 2017
Landline Natives: Telephone Practices since the 1950s as Innovation
MS Abildgaard, L Humphreys
Technology and Culture 61 (3), 923-947, 2020
Five recent play dates
MS Abildgaard, A Birkbak, TE Jensen, AK Madsen, AK Munk
Easst Review 36 (2), 2017
A telephone between us: Enabling/disabling talk on P4 i P1’s phone-in Tværs
MS Abildgaard
Northern Lights 12 (1), 123-139, 2014
Cultural values
J Edelheim, M Joppe, J Flaherty, L Armano, E Höckert, M Lüthje, ...
Teaching Tourism, 50-58, 2022
Enhancing culturally sensitive tourism in an online learning environment
MS Abildgaard, E Höckert, O Kugapi, M Lüthje, C Ren
Teaching Tourism: Innovative, Values-based Learning Experiences for …, 2022
Sound At Home II: City, Home, Body-Sonic Relations and Voice
MS Abildgaard, MK Højlund, SL Petersen
Journal of Sonic Studies 22, 2021
Kulturlivet på Facebook# 1: Begivenheder og brugere
AK Munk, MS Abildgaard, C Ren, AG Olesen
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