An efficient two stage stochastic optimal energy and reserve management in a microgrid V Mohan, JG Singh, W Ongsakul Applied energy 160, 28-38, 2015 | 145 | 2015 |
An approach for optimal placement of static VAr compensators based on reactive power spot price JG Singh, SN Singh, SC Srivastava IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (4), 2021-2029, 2007 | 103 | 2007 |
Sortino ratio based portfolio optimization considering EVs and renewable energy in microgrid power market V Mohan, JG Singh, W Ongsakul IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (1), 219-229, 2016 | 95 | 2016 |
A novel single-stage single-phase reconfigurable inverter topology for a solar powered hybrid AC/DC home N Sasidharan, JG Singh IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (4), 2820-2828, 2016 | 81 | 2016 |
Microgrid energy management combining sensitivities, interval and probabilistic uncertainties of renewable generation and loads V Mohan, R Suresh, JG Singh, W Ongsakul, N Madhu IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 7 (2 …, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Enhancement of power system security through optimal placement of TCSC and UPFC JG Singh, SN Singh, SC Srivastava 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 1-6, 2007 | 75 | 2007 |
Multi‐objective approach for distribution network reconfiguration with optimal DG power factor using NSPSO SR Tuladhar, JG Singh, W Ongsakul IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (12), 2842-2851, 2016 | 69 | 2016 |
Optimal energy management of multi-carrier networked energy hubs considering efficient integration of demand response and electrical vehicles: A cooperative energy management … S Tiwari, JG Singh Journal of Energy Storage 51, 104479, 2022 | 67 | 2022 |
Placement of FACTS controllers for enhancing power system loadability JG Singh, SN Singh, SC Srivastava 2006 IEEE Power India Conference, 7 pp., 2006 | 66 | 2006 |
An adaptive time-efficient technique for harmonic estimation of nonstationary signals SK Jain, SN Singh, JG Singh IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (8), 3295-3303, 2012 | 47 | 2012 |
Potential Rooftop Distribution Mapping using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Solar PV Installation: A Case Study for Dhaka, Bangladesh SMF Taskin Jamal, Weerakorn Ongsakul, Jai Govind Singh, Sayedus Salehin 3rd International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy …, 2014 | 42 | 2014 |
An approach for an efficient hybrid AC/DC solar powered Homegrid system based on the load characteristics of home appliances N Sasidharan, JG Singh, W Ongsakul Energy and Buildings 108, 23-35, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
Optimal placement of UPFC for maximizing system loadability and minimize active power losses by NSGA-II IM Wartana, JG Singh, W Ongsakul, K Buayai, S Sreedharan 2011 International Conference & Utility Exhibition on Power and Energy …, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
Sliding window approach with first-order differencing for very short-term solar irradiance forecasting using deep learning models A Bhatt, W Ongsakul, JG Singh Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 50, 101864, 2022 | 36 | 2022 |
Multi-objective optimal power flow considering wind power cost functions using enhanced PSO with chaotic mutation and stochastic weights A Man-Im, W Ongsakul, JG Singh, MN Madhu Electrical Engineering 101, 699-718, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
Economic and network feasible online power management for renewable energy integrated smart microgrid V Mohan, JG Singh, W Ongsakul, RS MP Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 7, 13-24, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
Performance enhancement of online energy scheduling in a radial utility distribution microgrid V Mohan, JG Singh, W Ongsakul, MPR Suresh International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 79, 98-107, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
Modeling and performance evaluation of ANFIS controller-based bidirectional power management scheme in plug-in electric vehicles integrated with electric grid MA Islam, JG Singh, I Jahan, MSH Lipu, T Jamal, RM Elavarasan, ... IEEE Access 9, 166762-166780, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Factors affecting electric vehicle acceptance, energy demand and CO2 emissions in Pakistan MH Butt, JG Singh Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation 2 (3), 100081, 2023 | 25 | 2023 |
Control of DC motor using genetic algorithm based PID controller S Tiwari, A Bhatt, AC Unni, JG Singh, W Ongsakul 2018 International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for …, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |