Takip et
Boudouda Nedjem Eddine
Boudouda Nedjem Eddine
Professeur en Psychologie Clinique et psychopathologie Université 8 mai 1945-Guelma
univ-guelma.dz üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The Geriatric Depression Scale: does it measure depressive mood, depressive affect, or both?
K Gana, N Bailly, G Broc, C Cazauvieilh, NE Boudouda
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 32 (10), 1150-1157, 2017
Neuroticism, conscientiousness and extraversion interact to predict depression: A confirmation in a non-Western culture
NE Boudouda, K Gana
Personality and Individual Differences 167 (110219), 1-6, 2020
Adaptation transculturelle de tests et échelles de mesure psychologiques : guide pratique basé sur les Recommandations de la Commission Internationale des Tests et les …
K Gana, NE Boudouda, S Ben Youssef, N Calcagni, G Broc
Pratiques psychologiques, 1-18, 2021
The ITC guidelines for translating and adapting tests
K Gana, G Broc, NE Boudouda, N Calcagni, S Ben Youssef
Pratiques Psychologiques 27 (3), 175-200, 2021
Transcultural adaptation of psychological tests and scales: A practical guide based on the ITC guidelines for translating and adapting tests and the standards for educational …
K Gana, NE Boudouda, S Ben Youssef, N Calcagni, G Broc
Pratiques Psychologiques 27 (3), 223-240, 2021
Recommandations de l’ITC pour la traduction et l’adaptation de tests (seconde édition)
K Gana, G Broc, NE Boudouda, N Calcagni, SB Youssef
Pratiques psychologiques 27 (3), 175-200, 2021
Validity Evidence for the Arabic Version of the Multidimensional Inventory of Hypochondriacal Traits (MIHT)
NE Boudouda, K Gana
Current Psychology, 1-10, 2020
What do EURO-D scores capture? Disentangling trait and state variances in depression symptoms across the adult life span in nine European nations
K Gana, NE Boudouda, T Salanova, G Broc
Assessment 30 (8), 2580-2594, 2023
Qualité de vie chez les personnes âgées: étude comparative entre personnes âgées d’origine française et immigrés maghrébins
NE Boudouda, K Gana
bulletin de psychologie 550 (4), 243-253, 2017
A twelve-country population-based psychometric validation study of the Arabic version of the Social Pain Questionnaire (SPQ)
F Fekih-Romdhane, A Alhuwailah, F Sakr, LS Chaibi, M Helmy, ...
Assessing School Refusal: Arabic Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the School Refusal Evaluation (SCREEN) from Adolescents in Algeria
NE Boudouda, M Elafri, A Hamel, F Nabti, K Gana
School Mental Health, 2024
Loneliness and susceptibility to social pain mediate the association between autistic traits and psychotic experiences in young non-clinical adults
F Fekih-Romdhane, L Sarra Chaibi, A Alhuwailah, F Sakr, M Helmy, ...
Scientific Reports 15 (1), 7836, 2025
Family Stress and Internet Addiction: Psychopathological Approches and Psychological Interventions
H Bechiche, NE Boudouda
مجلة الأكاديمية الدولية للعلوم النفسية والتربوية والأرطفونيا 5 (1), 161-186, 2025
The Four-Item Mentalising Index (FIMI): A multinational validation of the Arabic version in 12 countries
F Fekih-Romdhane, AM Ali, A Alhuwailah, F Sakr, LS Chaibi, M Helmy, ...
انتشار اضطرابات القلق عند الأطفال والمراهقين في الوسط المدرسي
نابتي فضيلة . بودودة نجم الدين
social and human sciences review مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية 25 (1), 27-46, 2024
Validation of the abridged version of the autism-spectrum quotient (AQ-28) in the Arabic-speaking adult general population
F Fekih-Romdhane, F Sakr, A Alhuwailah, LS Chaibi, M Helmy, ...
علم النفس المرضي من منظور نموذج العوامل الخمسة الكبرى للشخصية
بشيش هناء، بودودة نجم الدين
مجلة دراسات في سيكولوجية الانحراف 8 (2), 375-398, 2023
Objet de l’éthique dans la pratique clinique étude épistémologique De la subjectivité
NE Boudouda
Universite Oum El Bouaghi, 2022
Les troubles psychologiques et mentaux: enjeux de classification et dimensions socioculturelles!
Almawaqif , Revue des Recherches Sociologiques et Historiques 18 (1), 1214-1231, 2022
Deux cadres méthodo-épistémologiques du testing structurant la construction et l’adaptation de tests, références incontournables mais, hélas, largement ignorées. Illustration à …
NE Boudouda, G Broc, N Calcagni, S Ben Youssef, K Gana
Pratiques psychologiques, 1-13, 2021
Sistem, işlemi şu anda gerçekleştiremiyor. Daha sonra yeniden deneyin.
Makaleler 1–20