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Laura KRAY
Laura KRAY
UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
berkeley.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Battle of the sexes: gender stereotype confirmation and reactance in negotiations.
LJ Kray, L Thompson, A Galinsky
Journal of personality and social psychology 80 (6), 942, 2001
Reversing the gender gap in negotiations: An exploration of stereotype regeneration
LJ Kray, AD Galinsky, L Thompson
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 87 (2), 386-409, 2002
Gender stereotypes and negotiation performance: An examination of theory and research
LJ Kray, L Thompson
Research in organizational behavior 26, 103-182, 2004
The social construction of injustice: Fairness judgments in response to own and others' unfair treatment by authorities
EA Lind, L Kray, L Thompson
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 75 (1), 1-22, 1998
From what might have been to what must have been: counterfactual thinking creates meaning.
LJ Kray, LG George, KA Liljenquist, AD Galinsky, PE Tetlock, NJ Roese
Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (1), 106, 2010
Primacy effects in justice judgments: Testing predictions from fairness heuristic theory
EA Lind, L Kray, L Thompson
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 85 (2), 189-210, 2001
The debiasing effect of counterfactual mind-sets: Increasing the search for disconfirmatory information in group decisions
LJ Kray, AD Galinsky
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 91 (1), 69-81, 2003
Implicit negotiation beliefs and performance: Experimental and longitudinal evidence.
LJ Kray, MP Haselhuhn
Journal of personality and social psychology 93 (1), 49, 2007
Stereotype reactance at the bargaining table: The effect of stereotype activation and power on claiming and creating value
LJ Kray, J Reb, AD Galinsky, L Thompson
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30 (4), 399-411, 2004
Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions
A Llorens, A Tzovara, L Bellier, I Bhaya-Grossman, A Bidet-Caulet, ...
Neuron 109 (13), 2047-2074, 2021
The effects of implicit gender role theories on gender system justification: Fixed beliefs strengthen masculinity to preserve the status quo.
LJ Kray, L Howland, AG Russell, LM Jackman
Journal of personality and social psychology 112 (1), 98, 2017
Implications of counterfactual structure for creative generation and analytical problem solving
KD Markman, MJ Lindberg, LJ Kray, AD Galinsky
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (3), 312-324, 2007
Contingent weighting in self-other decision making
LJ Kray
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 83 (1), 82-106, 2000
Cultures of genius at work: Organizational mindsets predict cultural norms, trust, and commitment
EA Canning, MC Murphy, KTU Emerson, JA Chatman, CS Dweck, LJ Kray
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (4), 626-642, 2020
Differential weighting in choice versus advice: I’ll do this, you do that
L Kray, R Gonzalez
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 12 (3), 207-218, 1999
Gender differences in trust dynamics: Women trust more than men following a trust violation
MP Haselhuhn, JA Kennedy, LJ Kray, AB Van Zant, ME Schweitzer
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 56, 104-109, 2015
Thinking within the box: The relational processing style elicited by counterfactual mind-sets.
LJ Kray, AD Galinsky, EM Wong
Journal of personality and social psychology 91 (1), 33, 2006
From thinking about what might have been to sharing what we know: The effects of counterfactual mind-sets on information sharing in groups
AD Galinsky, LJ Kray
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40 (5), 606-618, 2004
The injustices of others: Social reports and the integration of others' experiences in organizational justice judgments
LJ Kray, EA Lind
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 89 (1), 906-924, 2002
Different wrongs, different remedies? Reactions to organizational remedies after procedural and interactional injustice
J Reb, BM Goldman, LJ Kray, R Cropanzano
Personnel Psychology 59 (1), 31-64, 2006
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