On the -Number of and Related Graphs MA Whittlesey, JP Georges, DW Mauro
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 8 (4), 499-506, 1995
236 1995 Relating path coverings to vertex labellings with a condition at distance two JP Georges, DW Mauro, MA Whittlesey
Discrete Mathematics 135 (1-3), 103-111, 1994
234 1994 Labeling trees with a condition at distance two JP Georges, DW Mauro
Discrete Mathematics 269 (1-3), 127-148, 2003
224 2003 Labeling products of complete graphs with a condition at distance two JP Georges, DW Mauro, MI Stein
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 14 (1), 28-35, 2001
178 2001 On the size of graphs labeled with a condition at distance two JP Georges, DW Mauro
Journal of Graph Theory 22 (1), 47-57, 1996
91 1996 Some results on lambdaj~ k-numbers of the products of complete graphs JP Georges, DW Mauro
Congressus Numerantium, 141-160, 1999
64 1999 On generalized Petersen graphs labeled with a condition at distance two JP Georges, DW Mauro
Discrete mathematics 259 (1-3), 311-318, 2002
56 2002 On regular graphs optimally labeled with a condition at distance two JP Georges, DW Mauro
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 17 (2), 320-331, 2003
41 2003 On the criticality of graphs labelled with a condition at distance two JP Georges, DW Mauro
Congressus Numerantium, 33-50, 1994
29 1994 On labeling the vertices of products of complete graphs with distance constraints DJ Erwin, JP Georges, DW Mauro
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 52 (2), 138-141, 2005
19 2005 On the Structure of Graphs with Non-Surjective L (2,1)-Labelings JP Georges, DW Mauro
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 19 (1), 208-223, 2005
19 2005 Edge labelings with a condition at distance two JP Georges, DW Mauro
Ars Combinatoria 70, 109-128, 2004
18 2004 On Zero-Sum -Magic Labelings of 3-Regular Graphs JO Choi, JP Georges, D Mauro
Graphs and Combinatorics 29 (3), 387-398, 2013
7 2013 On the structures of V4-magic and Z4-magic graphs JP Georges, DW Mauro, Y Wang
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 75, 137, 2010
7 2010 Relating edge-coverings to the classification of Z2k-magic graphs JO Choi, JP Georges, D Mauro
Discrete Mathematics 312 (19), 2938-2945, 2012
6 2012 A note on collections of graphs with non-surjective lambda labelings JP Georges, DW Mauro
Discrete applied mathematics 146 (1), 92-98, 2005
6 2005 The Domination Number of K J Georges, J Lin, D Mauro
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 34 (3), 629-632, 2014
4 2014 Labeling the r-path with a condition at distance two JP Georges, DW Mauro, Y Wang
Discrete applied mathematics 157 (15), 3203-3215, 2009
3 2009 On zero-sum Z 2 j k -magic graphs JP Georges, D Mauro, K Wash
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 34 (1), 94-113, 2017
2 2017 On a pursuit-evasion model without instantaneous movement. JO Choi, JP Georges, DW Mauro
Australas. J Comb. 64, 392-419, 2016
1 2016