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Francesco Cordero
Francesco Cordero
CNR-ISM Istituto di Struttura della Materia
ism.cnr.it üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
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Alıntı yapanlar
Phase transitions and phase diagram of the ferroelectric perovskite (Na 0.5 Bi 0.5) 1− x Ba x TiO 3 by anelastic and dielectric measurements
F Cordero, F Craciun, F Trequattrini, E Mercadelli, C Galassi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (14), 144124, 2010
Hopping and clustering of oxygen vacancies in by anelastic relaxation
F Cordero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (17), 172106, 2007
Phase Transformation at 240 K in YBa2Cu3O7-x by Measurements of Elastic Energy Dissipation and Modulus and its Possible Relation with the Enhancement of Tc Above 100 K
G Cannelli, R Cantelli, F Cordero, GA Costa, M Ferretti, GL Olcese
Europhysics Letters 6 (3), 271, 1988
New anelastic relaxation effect in Y-Ba-Cu-O at low temperature: A Snoek-type peak due to oxygen diffusion
G Cannelli, R Cantelli, F Cordero
Physical Review B 38 (10), 7200, 1988
Dynamics of oxygen and phase transitions in the 123 ceramic superconductors by anelastic relaxation measurements
G Cannelli, R Cantelli, F Cordero, F Trequattrini
Superconductor Science and Technology 5 (4), 247, 1992
Stability of Cubic FAPbI3 from X-ray Diffraction, Anelastic, and Dielectric Measurements
F Cordero, F Craciun, F Trequattrini, A Generosi, B Paci, AM Paoletti, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (10), 2463-2469, 2019
Anelastic relaxation in the high-T c superconductor Y Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7− x
G Cannelli, R Cantelli, F Cordero, GA Costa, M Ferretti, GL Olcese
Physical Review B 36 (16), 8907, 1987
Self-organized criticality of the fracture processes associated with hydrogen precipitation in niobium by acoustic emission
G Cannelli, R Cantelli, F Cordero
Physical review letters 70 (25), 3923, 1993
Elastic response of (1− x) Ba (Ti0. 8Zr0. 2) O3–x (Ba0. 7Ca0. 3) TiO3 (x= 0.45–0.55) and the role of the intermediate orthorhombic phase in enhancing the piezoelectric coupling
F Cordero, F Craciun, M Dinescu, N Scarisoreanu, C Galassi, W Schranz, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (23), 2014
Elastic properties and enhanced piezoelectric response at morphotropic phase boundaries
F Cordero
Materials 8 (12), 8195-8245, 2015
Octahedral tilting, monoclinic phase and the phase diagram of PZT
F Cordero, F Trequattrini, F Craciun, C Galassi
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (41), 415901, 2011
Anelastic (dielectric) relaxation of point defects at any concentration, with blocking effects and formation of complexes
F Cordero
Physical Review B 47 (13), 7674, 1993
Low-Temperature Phase Transformations of <?format ?>in the Morphotropic Phase-Boundary Region
F Cordero, F Craciun, C Galassi
Physical review letters 98 (25), 255701, 2007
The maraging-steel blades of the Virgo super attenuator
S Braccini, C Casciano, F Cordero, F Corvace, M De Sanctis, R Franco, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 11 (5), 467, 2000
Thermally activated dynamics of the tilts of the CuO 6 octahedra, hopping of interstitial O, and possible instability towards the LTT phase in La 2 CuO 4+ δ
F Cordero, CR Grandini, G Cannelli, R Cantelli, F Trequattrini, M Ferretti
Physical Review B 57 (14), 8580, 1998
Low-temperature phase transformations in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6+ x by anelastic relaxation measurements and possible formation of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric domains
G Cannelli, M Canali, R Cantelli, F Cordero, S Ferraro, M Ferretti, ...
Physical Review B 45 (2), 931, 1992
Glassy dynamics of the inhomogeneous metallic phase in La 1− x Ca x MnO 3
F Cordero, C Castellano, R Cantelli, M Ferretti
Physical Review B 65 (1), 012403, 2001
Merging of the polar and tilt instability lines near the respective morphotropic phase boundaries of PbZrTiO
F Cordero, F Trequattrini, F Craciun, C Galassi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (9), 094108, 2013
Tunneling of H and D trapped by O (N) in niobium by anelastic relaxation measurements
G Cannelli, R Cantelli, F Cordero
Physical Review B 34 (11), 7721, 1986
Dynamics of oxygen in the YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7− x basal planes by elastic-energy-loss measurements
G Cannelli, R Cantelli, F Cordero, M Ferretti, L Verdini
Physical Review B 42 (13), 7925, 1990
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