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Truong Thu Huong
Truong Thu Huong
hust.edu.vn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Detecting cyberattacks using anomaly detection in industrial control systems: A federated learning approach
TT Huong, TP Bac, DM Long, TD Luong, NM Dan, BD Thang, KP Tran
Computers in Industry 132, 103509, 2021
Light-weight federated learning-based anomaly detection for time-series data in industrial control systems
HT Truong, BP Ta, QA Le, DM Nguyen, CT Le, HX Nguyen, HT Do, ...
Computers in Industry 140, 103692, 2022
Lockedge: Low-complexity cyberattack detection in iot edge computing
TT Huong, TP Bac, DM Long, BD Thang, NT Binh, TD Luong, TK Phuc
IEEE Access 9, 29696-29710, 2021
Real time data-driven approaches for credit card fraud detection
PH Tran, KP Tran, TT Huong, C Heuchenne, P HienTran, TMH Le
Proceedings of the 2018 international conference on e-business and …, 2018
Self-organizing map-based approaches in DDoS flooding detection using SDN
TM Nam, PH Phong, TD Khoa, TT Huong, PN Nam, NH Thanh, LX Thang, ...
2018 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 249-254, 2018
OpenFlowSIA: An optimized protection scheme for software-defined networks from flooding attacks
TV Phan, T Van Toan, D Van Tuyen, TT Huong, NH Thanh
2016 IEEE sixth international conference on communications and electronics …, 2016
Federated learning-based explainable anomaly detection for industrial control systems
TT Huong, TP Bac, KN Ha, NV Hoang, NX Hoang, NT Hung, KP Tran
IEEE Access 10, 53854-53872, 2022
DeepGuard: Efficient anomaly detection in SDN with fine-grained traffic flow monitoring
TV Phan, TG Nguyen, NN Dao, TT Huong, NH Thanh, T Bauschert
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (3), 1349-1362, 2020
Analysis and assessment of LoRaWAN
KH Phung, H Tran, Q Nguyen, TT Huong, TL Nguyen
2018 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing …, 2018
A multi-criteria-based DDoS-attack prevention solution using software defined networking
P Van Trung, TT Huong, D Van Tuyen, DM Duc, NH Thanh, A Marshall
2015 international conference on advanced technologies for communications …, 2015
Explainable anomaly detection for industrial control system cybersecurity
NX Hoang, NV Hoang, NH Du, TT Huong, KP Tran
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (10), 1183-1188, 2022
Sdn-based syn proxy—a solution to enhance performance of attack mitigation under tcp syn flood
VT Dang, TT Huong, NH Thanh, PN Nam, NN Thanh, A Marshall
The Computer Journal 62 (4), 518-534, 2019
Q-MIND: Defeating stealthy DoS attacks in SDN with a machine-learning based defense framework
TV Phan, TMR Gias, ST Islam, TT Huong, NH Thanh, T Bauschert
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Enabling experiments for energy-efficient data center networks on openflow-based platform
NH Thanh, PN Nam, TH Truong, NT Hung, LK Doanh, R Pries
2012 Fourth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE …, 2012
Data driven hyperparameter optimization of one-class support vector machines for anomaly detection in wireless sensor networks
KP Tran, TT Huong
2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications …, 2017
Energy-aware service function chain embedding in edge–cloud environments for IoT applications
NH Thanh, NT Kien, N Van Hoa, TT Huong, F Wamser, T Hossfeld
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (17), 13465-13486, 2021
Modeling and experimenting combined smart sleep and power scaling algorithms in energy-aware data center networks
TN Huu, NP Ngoc, HT Thu, TT Ngoc, DN Minh, HN Tai, TN Quynh, D Hock, ...
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 39, 20-40, 2013
Trans-lighter: a light-weight federated learning-based architecture for remaining useful lifetime prediction
NH Du, NH Long, KN Ha, NV Hoang, TT Huong, KP Tran
Computers in industry 148, 103888, 2023
On relationship between quality of experience and quality of service metrics for IMS-Based IPTV networks
TH Truong, TH Nguyen, HT Nguyen
2012 IEEE RIVF International Conference on Computing & Communication …, 2012
Water and energy-efficient irrigation based on markov decision model for precision agriculture
TT Huong, NH Thanh, NT Van, NT Dat, N Van Long, A Marshall
2018 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Communications and Electronics …, 2018
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