Randomization tests E Edgington, P Onghena Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2007 | 3756 | 2007 |
Improving the effectiveness of peer feedback for learning S Gielen, E Peeters, F Dochy, P Onghena, K Struyven Learning and instruction 20 (4), 304-315, 2010 | 985 | 2010 |
Antidepressant-induced analgesia in chronic non-malignant pain: a meta-analysis of 39 placebo-controlled studies P Onghena, B Van Houdenhove Pain 49 (2), 205-219, 1992 | 770 | 1992 |
Mixed methods research synthesis: definition, framework, and potential M Heyvaert, B Maes, P Onghena Quality & Quantity 47, 659-676, 2013 | 460 | 2013 |
The effects of early prevention programs for families with young children at risk for physical child abuse and neglect: A meta-analysis L Geeraert, W Van den Noortgate, H Grietens, P Onghena Child maltreatment 9 (3), 277-291, 2004 | 410 | 2004 |
Students’ misconceptions of statistical inference: A review of the empirical evidence from research on statistics education AEC Sotos, S Vanhoof, W Van den Noortgate, P Onghena Educational research review 2 (2), 98-113, 2007 | 396 | 2007 |
Reduction of pain-related fear in complex regional pain syndrome type I: the application of graded exposure in vivo JR De Jong, JWS Vlaeyen, P Onghena, C Cuypers, M den Hollander, ... Pain 116 (3), 264-275, 2005 | 380 | 2005 |
Fear of movement/(re) injury in chronic low back pain: education or exposure in vivo as mediator to fear reduction? JR de Jong, JWS Vlaeyen, P Onghena, MEJB Goossens, M Geilen, ... The Clinical journal of pain 21 (1), 9-17, 2005 | 338 | 2005 |
Critical appraisal of mixed methods studies M Heyvaert, K Hannes, B Maes, P Onghena Journal of mixed methods research 7 (4), 302-327, 2013 | 321 | 2013 |
The role of teacher behavior management in the development of disruptive behaviors: An intervention study with the good behavior game G Leflot, PAC Van Lier, P Onghena, H Colpin Journal of abnormal child psychology 38, 869-882, 2010 | 320 | 2010 |
Parent and child personality characteristics as predictors of negative discipline and externalizing problem behaviour in children P Prinzie, P Onghena, W Hellinckx, H Grietens, P Ghesquière, H Colpin European Journal of Personality 18 (2), 73-102, 2004 | 318 | 2004 |
Using mixed methods research synthesis for literature reviews: the mixed methods research synthesis approach M Heyvaert, K Hannes, P Onghena Sage Publications, 2016 | 302 | 2016 |
Non-suicidal and suicidal self-injurious behavior among Flemish adolescents: A web-survey I Baetens, L Claes, J Muehlenkamp, H Grietens, P Onghena Archives of Suicide Research 15 (1), 56-67, 2011 | 281 | 2011 |
A longitudinal analysis of gender differences in academic self-concept and language achievement: A multivariate multilevel latent growth approach B De Fraine, J Van Damme, P Onghena Contemporary Educational Psychology 32 (1), 132-150, 2007 | 272 | 2007 |
Comparison of mothers', fathers', and teachers' reports on problem behavior in 5-to 6-year-old children H Grietens, P Onghena, P Prinzie, E Gadeyne, V Van Assche, ... Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment 26, 137-146, 2004 | 271 | 2004 |
Associations between parental psychological control and relational aggression in children and adolescents: a multilevel and sequential meta-analysis. S Kuppens, L Laurent, M Heyvaert, P Onghena Developmental psychology 49 (9), 1697, 2013 | 270 | 2013 |
A comparative study of peer and teacher feedback and of various peer feedback forms in a secondary school writing curriculum S Gielen, L Tops, F Dochy, P Onghena, S Smeets British educational research journal 36 (1), 143-162, 2010 | 261 | 2010 |
Multilevel meta-analysis: A comparison with traditional meta-analytical procedures W Van Den Noortgate, P Onghena Educational and psychological measurement 63 (5), 765-790, 2003 | 258 | 2003 |
The relationship between the shape of the mental number line and familiarity with numbers in 5-to 9-year old children: Evidence for a segmented linear model M Ebersbach, K Luwel, A Frick, P Onghena, L Verschaffel Journal of experimental child psychology 99 (1), 1-17, 2008 | 255 | 2008 |
Longitudinal relations between parenting and child adjustment in young children E Gadeyne, P Ghesquière, P Onghena Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 33 (2), 347-358, 2004 | 255 | 2004 |