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Ada Kritikos
Ada Kritikos
School of Psychology, University of Queensland
psy.uq.edu.au üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
“Gaze leading”: initiating simulated joint attention influences eye movements and choice behavior.
AP Bayliss, E Murphy, CK Naughtin, A Kritikos, L Schilbach, SI Becker
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1), 76, 2013
Grasping the concept of personal property
MD Constable, A Kritikos, AP Bayliss
Cognition 119 (3), 430-437, 2011
Prism adaptation and spatial attention: a study of visual search in normals and patients with unilateral neglect
AP Morris, A Kritikos, N Berberovic, L Pisella, CD Chambers, ...
Cortex 40 (4-5), 703-721, 2004
Brief report: Perceptual load and the autism spectrum in typically developed individuals
AP Bayliss, A Kritikos
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 41, 1573-1578, 2011
Attention for action: Coordinating bimanual reach‐to‐grasp movements
GM Jackson, SR Jackson, A Kritikos
British Journal of Psychology 90 (2), 247-270, 1999
A direct link between gaze perception and social attention.
AP Bayliss, J Bartlett, CK Naughtin, A Kritikos
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37 (3), 634, 2011
Culture modulates implicit ownership-induced self-bias in memory
S Sparks, SJ Cunningham, A Kritikos
Cognition 153, 89-98, 2016
Interpreting actions: The goal behind mirror neuron function
B Ocampo, A Kritikos
Brain Research Reviews 67 (1-2), 260-267, 2011
Contingent and non-contingent auditory cueing in Parkinson's disease
A Kritikos, C Leahy, JL Bradshaw, R Iansek, JG Phillips, JA Bradshaw
Neuropsychologia 33 (10), 1193-1203, 1995
Placing actions in context: motor facilitation following observation of identical and non-identical manual acts
B Ocampo, A Kritikos
Experimental brain research 201 (4), 743-751, 2010
Object ownership and action: The influence of social context and choice on the physical manipulation of personal property
MD Constable, A Kritikos, OV Lipp, AP Bayliss
Experimental brain research 232 (12), 3749-3761, 2014
Anarchic hand syndrome: Bimanual coordination and sensitivity to irrelevant information in unimanual reaches
A Kritikos, N Breen, JB Mattingley
Cognitive Brain Research 24 (3), 634-647, 2005
Pictures of disgusting foods and disgusted facial expressions suppress the tongue motor cortex
CM Vicario, RD Rafal, S Borgomaneri, R Paracampo, A Kritikos, ...
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 12 (2), 352-362, 2017
Interference from distractors in reach-to-grasp movements
A Kritikos, KMB Bennett, J Dunai, U Castiello
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 53 (1), 131-151, 2000
How frontoparietal brain regions mediate imitative and complementary actions: an FMRI study
B Ocampo, A Kritikos, R Cunnington
PLoS One 6 (10), e26945, 2011
Effects of norepinephrine infused in the paraventricular hypothalamus on energy expenditure in the rat
SM Siviy, A Kritikos, DM Atrens, A Shepherd
Brain research 487 (1), 79-88, 1989
Higher-order cognitive factors affect subjective but not proprioceptive aspects of self-representation in the rubber hand illusion
H Dempsey-Jones, A Kritikos
Consciousness and cognition 26, 74-89, 2014
Self-generated cognitive fluency as an alternative route to preference formation
MD Constable, AP Bayliss, SP Tipper, A Kritikos
Consciousness and cognition 22 (1), 47-52, 2013
Handedness modulates proprioceptive drift in the rubber hand illusion
H Dempsey-Jones, A Kritikos
Experimental brain research 237 (2), 351-361, 2019
Comparative study of the cognitive performance of Greek Australian and Greek national elderly: Implications for neuropsychological practice
A Plitas, A Tucker, A Kritikos, I Walters, F Bardenhagen
Australian Psychologist 44 (1), 27-39, 2009
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