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Kai Purnhagen
Kai Purnhagen
uni-bayreuth.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
CRISPR plants now subject to tough GM laws in European Union
E Callaway
Nature 560 (7716), 16-17, 2018
A comparison of the EU regulatory approach to directed mutagenesis with that of other jurisdictions, consequences for international trade and potential steps forward
D Eriksson, D Kershen, A Nepomuceno, BJ Pogson, H Prieto, ...
New phytologist 222 (4), 1673-1684, 2019
Europe’s farm to fork strategy and its commitment to biotechnology and organic farming: conflicting or complementary goals?
KP Purnhagen, S Clemens, D Eriksson, LO Fresco, J Tosun, M Qaim, ...
Trends in plant science 26 (6), 600-606, 2021
EU regulation of new plant breeding technologies and their possible economic implications for the EU and beyond
K Purnhagen, J Wesseler
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43 (4), 1621-1637, 2021
Options to reform the European Union legislation on GMOs: scope and definitions
D Eriksson, R Custers, KE Björnberg, SO Hansson, K Purnhagen, M Qaim, ...
Trends in Biotechnology 38 (3), 231-234, 2020
EU court casts new plant breeding techniques into regulatory limbo
KP Purnhagen, E Kok, G Kleter, H Schebesta, RGF Visser, J Wesseler
Nature biotechnology 36 (9), 799, 2018
Nudge-Ansätze beim nachhaltigen Konsum: Ermittlung und Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zum „Anstoßen “nachhaltiger Konsummuster
C Thorun, J Diels, LA Reisch, M Bernauer, HW Micklitz, K Purnhagen, ...
Institut für Verbraucherpolitik, 2016
" Nudging Germany"?: Herausforderungen für eine verhaltensbasierte Regulierung in Deutschland
K Purnhagen, L Reisch
Zeitschrift für europäisches Privatrecht 24 (3), 629-654, 2016
More competences than you knew? The web of health competence for European Union action in response to the COVID-19 outbreak
KP Purnhagen, A De Ruijter, ML Flear, TK Hervey, A Herwig
European Journal of Risk Regulation 11 (2), 297-306, 2020
Ein neuer Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft: Wege zu einer integrativen Politik für den Agrarsektor
PH Feindt, C Krämer, A Früh-Müller, A Heißenhuber, C Pahl-Wostl, ...
Springer Nature, 2019
The essential elements of a risk governance framework for current and future nanotechnologies
V Stone, M Führ, PH Feindt, H Bouwmeester, I Linkov, S Sabella, ...
Risk Analysis 38 (7), 1321-1331, 2018
The Potential Use of Visual Packaging Elements as Nudges: An Analysis on the Example of the EU Health Claim s Regime
K Purnhagen, E van Herpen, E van Kleef
Nudging-possibilities, limitations and applications in European law and …, 2016
EU regulation of genetically modified microorganisms in light of new policy developments: Possible implications for EU bioeconomy investments
J Wesseler, G Kleter, M Meulenbroek, KP Purnhagen
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 45 (2), 839-859, 2023
The European Union Court’s Advocate General’s Opinion and new plant breeding techniques
KP Purnhagen, E Kok, G Kleter, H Schebesta, RGF Visser, J Wesseler
Nature biotechnology 36 (7), 573, 2018
Homo economicus, behavioural sciences, and economic regulation: On the concept of man in internal market regulation and its normative basis
JU Franck, K Purnhagen
Law and economics in Europe: Foundations and applications, 329-365, 2014
Maximum vs minimum harmonization: what to expect from the institutional and legal battles in the EU on gene editing technologies
KP Purnhagen, JHH Wesseler
Pest Management Science 75 (9), 2310-2315, 2019
Improving the level of food safety and market access in developing countries
D Wahidin, K Purnhagen
Heliyon 4 (7), 2018
Reversed harmonization or horizontalization of EU standards: Does WTO law facilitate or constrain the Brussels effect
D Sinopoli, K Purnhargen
Wis. Int'l LJ 34, 92, 2016
Options to reform the European Union legislation on GMOs: risk governance
D Eriksson, R Custers, KE Björnberg, SO Hansson, K Purnhagen, M Qaim, ...
Trends in biotechnology 38 (4), 349-351, 2020
The virtue of cassis de Dijon 25 years later—It is not dead, it just smells funny
K Purnhagen
Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation: Liber Amicorum for Hans …, 2014
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