Takip et
Edson César Cunha de Oliveira
Edson César Cunha de Oliveira
Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda do Amazonas – SEFAZ/AM
sefaz.am.gov.br üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Designing Personas with Empathy Map.
B Ferreira, W Silva, E Oliveira, T Conte
SEKE 152, 2015
Understanding development process of machine learning systems: Challenges and solutions
E de Souza Nascimento, I Ahmed, E Oliveira, MP Palheta, I Steinmacher, ...
2019 acm/IEEE international symposium on empirical software engineering and …, 2019
Code and commit metrics of developer productivity: a study on team leaders perceptions
E Oliveira, E Fernandes, I Steinmacher, M Cristo, T Conte, A Garcia
Empirical Software Engineering 25, 2519-2549, 2020
Influence factors in software productivity—a tertiary literature review
E Oliveira, T Conte, M Cristo, N Valentim
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 28 …, 2018
What factors affect the UX in mobile apps? A systematic mapping study on the analysis of app store reviews
WT Nakamura, EC de Oliveira, EHT de Oliveira, D Redmiles, T Conte
Journal of Systems and Software 193, 111462, 2022
Software project managers' perceptions of productivity factors: findings from a qualitative study
E Oliveira, T Conte, M Cristo, E Mendes
Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE international symposium on empirical …, 2016
How have software engineering researchers been measuring software productivity?-a systematic mapping study
E Oliveira, D Viana, M Cristo, T Conte
International conference on enterprise information systems 2, 76-87, 2017
How do software developers identify design problems? a qualitative analysis
L Sousa, R Oliveira, A Garcia, J Lee, T Conte, W Oizumi, R de Mello, ...
Proceedings Of The XXXI Brazilian Symposium On Software Engineering, 54-63, 2017
Collaborative identification of code smells: A multi-case study
R Oliveira, L Sousa, R De Mello, N Valentim, A Lopes, T Conte, A Garcia, ...
2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2017
Knowledge Management and Organizational Culture in a Software Organization--A Case Study
J de Holanda Rabelo, ECC De Oliveira, D Viana, LC da Silva Braga, ...
2015 IEEE/ACM 8th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of …, 2015
An empirical study to evaluate the feasibility of a UX and usability inspection technique for mobile applications
I Nascimento, W Silva, A Lopes, L Rivero, B Gadelha, E Oliveira, T Conte
28th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge …, 2016
Are UX evaluation methods providing the same big picture?
WT Nakamura, I Ahmed, D Redmiles, E Oliveira, D Fernandes, ...
Sensors 21 (10), 3480, 2021
Directives of communicability: towards better communication through software models
A Lopes, E Oliveira, T Conte, CS de Souza
2019 IEEE/ACM 12th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects …, 2019
An empirical study about the influence of project manager personality in software project effort
DTMC Branco, ECC de Oliveira, L Galvão, R Prikladnicki, T Conte
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2, 102-113, 2015
Fatores de influência na produtividade de desenvolvedores de organizações de software
ECC Oliveira
Universidade Federal do Amazonas, 2017
e‐VOL BPMN: a technique to support the evolution and learning of BPMN diagrams
U Campos, A Lopes, E Oliveira, B Gadelha, T Conte
IET Software 14 (1), 50-58, 2020
Land of lost knowledge: an initial investigation into projects lost knowledge
M Lima, I Ahmed, T Conte, E Nascimento, E Oliveira, B Gadelha
2019 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and …, 2019
An Interface Design Catalog for Interactive Labeling Systems.
L Viana, E Oliveira, T Conte
ICEIS (2), 483-494, 2021
Designing Personas with Empathy Map. 501–505
B Ferreira, W Silva, E Oliveira, T Conte
Evaluating usability of IFML models: How usability is perceived and propagated
R Queiroz, AB Marques, A Lopes, E Oliveira, T Conte
Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018
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