Physics at the CLIC multi-TeV linear collider E Accomando, A Aranda, E Ateser, C Balazs, D Bardin, T Barklow, ...
arXiv preprint hep-ph/0412251, 2004
137 2004 Shear viscosity in holography and effective theory of transport without translational symmetry P Burikham, N Poovuttikul
Physical Review D 94 (10), 106001, 2016
73 2016 TeV-scale string resonances at hadron colliders P Burikham, T Figy, T Han
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 71 (1), 016005, 2005
67 2005 Mass bounds for compact spherically symmetric objects in generalized gravity theories P Burikham, T Harko, MJ Lake
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57 2016 Modeling and control of multiphase interleaved fuel-cell boost converter based on Hamiltonian control theory for transportation applications P Mungporn, P Thounthong, B Yodwong, C Ekkaravarodome, A Bilsalam, ...
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 6 (2), 519-529, 2020
48 2020 Fitting rotation curves of galaxies by de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley massive gravity S Panpanich, P Burikham
Physical Review D 98 (6), 064008, 2018
48 2018 Charged scalar perturbations on charged black holes in de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley massive gravity P Burikham, S Ponglertsakul, L Tannukij
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41 2017 Robust Hamiltonian energy control based on Lyapunov function for four-phase parallel fuel cell boost converter for DC microgrid applications P Thounthong, P Mungporn, S Pierfederici, D Guilbert, N Takorabet, ...
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 12 (3), 1500-1511, 2021
37 2021 Dark energy and moduli stabilization of extra dimensions in 𝕄1+ 3× 𝕋2 spacetime P Burikham, A Chatrabhuti, P Patcharamaneepakorn, K Pimsamarn
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35 2008 Dark matter as a Weyl geometric effect P Burikham, T Harko, K Pimsamarn, S Shahidi
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34 2023 Quasinormal modes of black strings in de Rham–Gabadadze–Tolley massive gravity S Ponglertsakul, P Burikham, L Tannukij
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34 2018 The minimum mass of a spherically symmetric object in D -dimensions, and its implications for the mass hierarchy problem P Burikham, K Cheamsawat, T Harko, MJ Lake
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29 2021 The minimum mass of a charged spherically symmetric object in D dimensions, its implications for fundamental particles, and holography P Burikham, K Cheamsawat, T Harko, MJ Lake
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25 2016 Massive neutron stars with holographic multiquark cores S Pinkanjanarod, P Burikham
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22 2004 Charged fermion in -dimensional wormhole with axial magnetic field T Rojjanason, P Burikham, K Pimsamarn
The European Physical Journal C 79, 1-17, 2019
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Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (6), 1-24, 2010
21 2010 Near-horizon quasinormal modes of charged scalar around a general spherically symmetric black hole S Ponglertsakul, T Tangphati, P Burikham
Physical Review D 99 (8), 084002, 2019
19 2019 Quasi-normal modes of near-extremal black holes in generalized spherically symmetric spacetime and strong cosmic censorship conjecture P Burikham, S Ponglertsakul, T Wuthicharn
The European Physical Journal C 80, 1-19, 2020
18 2020