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Hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor: 17
A New Family of Mo-Doped SrCoO3−δ Perovskites for Application in Reversible Solid State Electrochemical Cells
A Aguadero, D Pérez-Coll, JA Alonso, SJ Skinner, J Kilner
Chemistry of Materials 24 (14), 2655-2663, 2012
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Anisotropic Oxygen Ion Diffusion in Layered PrBaCo2O5+δ
M Burriel, J Pena-Martinez, RJ Chater, S Fearn, AV Berenov, SJ Skinner, ...
Chemistry of Materials 24 (3), 613-621, 2012
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
In situ study of strontium segregation in La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Co 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3− δ in ambient atmospheres using high-temperature environmental scanning electron microscopy
M Niania, R Podor, TB Britton, C Li, SJ Cooper, N Svetkov, S Skinner, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (29), 14120-14135, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Novel La2NiO4+ δ and La4Ni3O10− δ composites for solid oxide fuel cell cathodes
RJ Woolley, SJ Skinner
Journal of power sources 243, 790-795, 2013
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
The effects of lattice strain, dislocations, and microstructure on the transport properties of YSZ films
GF Harrington, A Cavallaro, DW McComb, SJ Skinner, JA Kilner
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (22), 14319-14336, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Surface chemistry and restructuring in thin-film La n+ 1 Ni n O 3n+ 1 (n= 1, 2 and 3) Ruddlesden–Popper oxides
KT Wu, H Téllez, J Druce, M Burriel, F Yang, DW McComb, T Ishihara, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (19), 9003-9013, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation, European Commission
In Situ Measurements on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes – Simultaneous X‐Ray Absorption and AC Impedance Spectroscopy on Symmetrical Cells
RJ Woolley, MP Ryan, SJ Skinner
Fuel Cells 13 (6), 1080-1087, 2013
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Modification of the order of the magnetic phase transition in cobaltites without changing their crystal space group
JY Law, V Franco, A Conde, SJ Skinner, SS Pramana
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 777, 1080-1086, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Government of Spain
High electrical conductivity and crystal structure of the solid oxide cell electrode Pr4Ni3O10-δ
CY Tsai, A Aguadero, SJ Skinner
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 289, 121533, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Can solute segregation in ceramic materials be reduced by lattice strain?
GF Harrington, SJ Skinner, JA Kilner
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101 (3), 1310-1322, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Phase evolution and reactivity of Pr2NiO4+ δ and Ce0. 9Gd0. 1O2-δ composites under solid oxide cell sintering and operation temperatures
CY Tsai, CM McGilvery, A Aguadero, SJ Skinner
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (59), 31458-31465, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Significantly enhanced oxygen transport properties in mixed conducting perovskite oxides under humid reducing environments
Z Sha, E Cali, Z Shen, E Ware, G Kerherve, SJ Skinner
Chemistry of Materials 33 (21), 8469-8476, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK Research & Innovation
On the role of surfaces and interfaces in electrochemical performance and long-term stability of nanostructured LSC thin film electrodes
K Develos-Bagarinao, O Celikbilek, RA Budiman, G Kerherve, S Fearn, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10 (5), 2445-2459, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
In situ neutron diffraction study of BaCe 0.4 Zr 0.4 Y 0.2 O 3− δ proton conducting perovskite: insight into the phase transition and proton transport mechanism
JF Basbus, MD Arce, JA Alonso, MA González, GJ Cuello, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10 (16), 9037-9047, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: Helmholtz Association, Government of Spain, Government of Italy, Government …
Partially Anion-Ordered Cerium Niobium Oxynitride Perovskite Phase with a Small Band Gap
Z Shen, J Wu, MW Shorvon, G Cazaux, SC Parker, SJ Skinner
Chemistry of Materials 33 (11), 4045-4056, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Science and …
High electrostrain in a lead-free piezoceramic from a chemopiezoelectric effect
Z Xu, X Shi, YX Liu, D Wang, HC Thong, Y Jiang, Z Sha, Z Li, FZ Yao, ...
Nature Materials, 1-9, 2025
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
[La. sub. x][Pr. sub. 4-x][Ni. sub. 3][O. sub. 10-[delta]]: Mixed A-Site Cation Higher-Order Ruddlesden-Popper Phase Materials as Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell …
MA Yatoo, Z Du, Z Yang, H Zhao, SJ Skinner
Crystals 10 (6), 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 61
High oxide-ion conductivity through the interstitial oxygen site in Ba7Nb4MoO20-based hexagonal perovskite related oxides
M Yashima, T Tsujiguchi, Y Sakuda, Y Yasui, Y Zhou, K Fujii, S Torii, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 556, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Roadmap on inorganic perovskites for energy applications
J Irvine, JLM Rupp, G Liu, X Xu, S Haile, X Qian, A Snyder, R Freer, ...
Journal of Physics: Energy 3 (3), 031502, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission, Government of Spain
Enhanced catalytic activity of nanostructured, A-site deficient (La 0.7 Sr 0.3) 0.95 (Co 0.2 Fe 0.8) O 3− δ for SOFC cathodes
O Celikbilek, CA Thieu, F Agnese, E Calì, C Lenser, NH Menzler, JW Son, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (43), 25102-25111, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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