Takip et
Jochen Glück
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Eventually positive semigroups of linear operators
D Daners, J Glück, JB Kennedy
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 433 (2), 1561-1593, 2016
Eventually and asymptotically positive semigroups on Banach lattices
D Daners, J Glück, JB Kennedy
Journal of Differential Equations 261 (5), 2607-2649, 2016
Nonlinear small-gain theorems for input-to-state stability of infinite interconnections
A Mironchenko, C Kawan, J Glück
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 33 (4), 573-615, 2021
Invariant sets and long time behaviour of operator semigroups
J Glück
Universität Ulm, 2017
A criterion for the uniform eventual positivity of operator semigroups
D Daners, J Glück
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 90, 1-19, 2018
The role of domination and smoothing conditions in the theory of eventually positive semigroups
D Daners, J Glück
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 96 (2), 286-298, 2017
Almost Interior Points in Ordered Banach Spaces and the Long--Term Behaviour of Strongly Positive Operator Semigroups
J Glück, MR Weber
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.03306, 2019
Convergence of positive operator semigroups
M Gerlach, J Glück
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372 (9), 6603-6627, 2019
On the peripheral spectrum of positive operators
J Glück
Positivity 20, 307-336, 2016
Stability criteria for positive linear discrete-time systems
J Glück, A Mironchenko
Positivity 25 (5), 2029-2059, 2021
Towards a perturbation theory for eventually positive semigroups
D Daners, J Glück
Journal of Operator Theory 79 (2), 345-372, 2018
A toolkit for constructing dilations on Banach spaces
S Fackler, J Glück
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 118 (2), 416-440, 2019
Towards a Perron–Frobenius theory for eventually positive operators
J Glück
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 453 (1), 317-337, 2017
Strict positivity for the principal eigenfunction of elliptic operators with various boundary conditions
W Arendt, AFM ter Elst, J Glück
Advanced Nonlinear Studies 20 (3), 633-650, 2020
Lower bounds and the asymptotic behaviour of positive operator semigroups
M Gerlach, J Glück
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 38 (8), 3012-3041, 2018
Spectrum and convergence of eventually positive operator semigroups
S Arora, J Glück
Semigroup Forum 103 (3), 791-811, 2021
Long-term analysis of positive operator semigroups via asymptotic domination
J Glück, MPH Wolff
Positivity 23 (5), 1113-1146, 2019
Asymptotics of operator semigroups via the semigroup at infinity
J Glück, M Haase
Positivity and Noncommutative Analysis: Festschrift in Honour of Ben de …, 2019
On a convergence theorem for semigroups of positive integral operators
M Gerlach, J Glück
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 355 (9), 973-976, 2017
Positive irreducible semigroups and their long-time behaviour
W Arendt, J Glück
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2185), 20190611, 2020
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