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Henk W. van der Veer
Henk W. van der Veer
Former Senior scientist Department of Coastal Systems at NIOZ
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Alıntı yapanlar
Predation by crustaceans on a newly settled 0-group plaice Pleuronectes platessa population in the western Wadden Sea
HW van der Veer, MJN Bergman
Marine Ecology Progress Series 35 (3), 203-215, 1987
Immigration, settlement, and density-dependent mortality of a larval and early postlarval 0-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) population in the western Wadden Sea
HW Van der Veer
Marine Ecology Progress Series 29 (3), 223-236, 1986
Recruitment in flatfish, with special emphasis on North Atlantic species: progress made by the Flatfish Symposia
HW Van der Veer, R Berghahn, JM Miller, AD Rijnsdorp
ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 (2), 202-215, 2000
The estimation of DEB parameters for various Northeast Atlantic bivalve species
HW van der Veer, JFMF Cardoso, J van der Meer
Journal of Sea Research 56 (2), 107-124, 2006
Selective tidal transport of North Sea plaice larvae Pleuronectes platessa in coastal nursery areas
AD Rijnsdorp, M Van Stralen, HW Van Der Veer
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 114 (4), 461-470, 1985
Low effective population size and evidence for inbreeding in an overexploited flatfish, plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.)
G Hoarau, E Boon, DN Jongma, S Ferber, J Palsson, HW Van der Veer, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1562), 497-503, 2005
The “covariation method” for estimating the parameters of the standard Dynamic Energy Budget model I: Philosophy and approach
K Lika, MR Kearney, V Freitas, HW van der Veer, J van der Meer, ...
Journal of Sea Research 66 (4), 270-277, 2011
Functional responses and scaling in predator–prey interactions of marine fishes: contemporary issues and emerging concepts
ME Hunsicker, L Ciannelli, KM Bailey, JA Buckel, J Wilson White, JS Link, ...
Ecology Letters 14 (12), 1288-1299, 2011
Population structure of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in northern Europe: microsatellites revealed large‐scale spatial and temporal homogeneity
G Hoarau, AD Rijnsdorp, HW Van der Veer, WT Stam, JL Olsen
Molecular Ecology 11 (7), 1165-1176, 2002
Flatfishes: biology and exploitation
RN Gibson, RDM Nash, AJ Geffen, HW Van der Veer
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Recruitment mechanisms in North Sea plaice Pleuronectes platessa
HW van der Veer, L Pihl, MJN Bergman
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1-12, 1990
Ecophysiology of marine fish recruitment: a conceptual framework for understanding interannual variability
WH Neill, JM Miller, HW Van Der Veer, KO WINEMIllER
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 32 (2), 135-152, 1994
Diet of cormorants and the impact of cormorant predation on juvenile flatfish in the Dutch Wadden Sea
MF Leopold, CJG van Damme, HW van der Veer
Journal of Sea Research 40 (1-2), 93-107, 1998
Distinctly variable mudscapes: distribution gradients of intertidal macrofauna across the Dutch Wadden Sea
TJ Compton, S Holthuijsen, A Koolhaas, A Dekinga, J ten Horn, J Smith, ...
Journal of Sea Research 82, 103-116, 2013
Benthic primary producers are key to sustain the Wadden Sea food web: stable carbon isotope analysis at landscape scale
MJA Christianen, JJ Middelburg, SJ Holthuijsen, J Jouta, TJ Compton, ...
Ecology 98 (6), 1498-1512, 2017
Population dynamics of an intertidal 0-group flounder Platichthys flesus population in the western Dutch Wadden Sea
HW Van der Veer, MJN Bergman, R Dapper, JIJ Witte
Marine Ecology Progress Series 73 (2/3), 141-148, 1991
The ‘maximum growth/optimal food condition’hypothesis: a test for 0-group plaice Pleuronectes platessa in the Dutch Wadden Sea
HW Van der Veer, JIJ Witte
Marine ecology progress series 101, 81-90, 1993
The cost of metamorphosis in flatfishes
AJ Geffen, HW Van der Veer, RDM Nash
Journal of Sea Research 58 (1), 35-45, 2007
Importance of predation by crustaceans upon bivalve spat in the intertidal zone of the Dutch Wadden Sea as revealed by immunological assays of gut contents
HW van der Veer, RJ Feller, A Weber, JIJ Witte
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 231 (1), 139-157, 1998
Dredging activities in the Dutch Wadden Sea: effects on macrobenthic infauna
HW Van der Veer, MJN Bergman, JJ Beukema
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 19 (2), 183-190, 1985
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