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Arun Nemani
Arun Nemani
Draycon Labs
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Prediction of mortality from 12-lead electrocardiogram voltage data using a deep neural network
S Raghunath, AE Ulloa Cerna, L Jing, DP VanMaanen, J Stough, ...
Nature medicine 26 (6), 886-891, 2020
Deep neural networks can predict new-onset atrial fibrillation from the 12-lead ECG and help identify those at risk of atrial fibrillation–related stroke
S Raghunath, JM Pfeifer, AE Ulloa-Cerna, A Nemani, T Carbonati, L Jing, ...
Circulation 143 (13), 1287-1298, 2021
Assessing bimanual motor skills with optical neuroimaging
A Nemani, MA Yücel, U Kruger, DW Gee, C Cooper, SD Schwaitzberg, ...
Science advances 4 (10), eaat3807, 2018
Convergent validation and transfer of learning studies of a virtual reality-based pattern cutting simulator
A Nemani, W Ahn, C Cooper, S Schwaitzberg, S De
Surgical endoscopy 32, 1265-1272, 2018
Objective assessment of surgical skill transfer using non-invasive brain imaging
A Nemani, U Kruger, CA Cooper, SD Schwaitzberg, X Intes, S De
Surgical endoscopy 33, 2485-2494, 2019
Functional brain connectivity related to surgical skill dexterity in physical and virtual simulation environments
A Nemani, A Kamat, Y Gao, M Yucel, D Gee, C Cooper, S Schwaitzberg, ...
Neurophotonics 8 (1), 015008-015008, 2021
Decreasing the surgical errors by neurostimulation of primary motor cortex and the associated brain activation via neuroimaging
Y Gao, L Cavuoto, A Dutta, U Kruger, P Yan, A Nemani, JE Norfleet, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 15, 651192, 2021
Ecg based future atrial fibrillation predictor systems and methods
BK Fornwalt, C Haggerty, S Raghunath, C Good, J Pfeifer, A Ulloa, ...
US Patent App. 17/026,092, 2021
Needs analysis for developing a virtual-reality NOTES simulator
G Sankaranarayanan, K Matthes, A Nemani, W Ahn, M Kato, DB Jones, ...
Surgical endoscopy 27, 1607-1616, 2013
Face and content validation of a virtual translumenal endoscopic surgery trainer (VTEST™)
D Dorozhkin, A Nemani, K Roberts, W Ahn, T Halic, S Dargar, J Wang, ...
Surgical endoscopy 30, 5529-5536, 2016
Resonance in the mouse tibia as a predictor of frequencies and locations of loading-induced bone formation
L Zhao, T Dodge, A Nemani, H Yokota
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 13, 141-151, 2014
A comparison of NOTES transvaginal and laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures based upon task analysis
A Nemani, G Sankaranarayanan, JS Olasky, S Adra, KE Roberts, L Panait, ...
Surgical endoscopy 28, 2443-2451, 2014
Hierarchical task analysis of hybrid rigid scope Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) cholecystectomy procedures
A Nemani, G Sankaranarayanan, K Roberts, L Panait, C Cao, S De
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 20, 293-297, 2013
m Cao, C., De, S., Hierarchical Task Analysis of Hybrid Rigid Scope Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) Cholecystectomy Procedures
A Nemani, G Sankaranarayan, K Roberts, L Panait
Proceedings of the 2013 Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference (NEXTMED …, 0
DP vanMaanen, DN Hartzel, JA Ruhl, BF Lagerman et al.,“Deep neural networks can predict new-onset atrial fibrillation from the 12-lead ECG and help identify those at risk of …
S Raghunath, JM Pfeifer, AE Ulloa-Cerna, A Nemani, T Carbonati, L Jing
Circulation 143 (13), 1287-1298, 2021
Assessing bimanual motor skills with optical neuroimaging. Sci Adv 4 (10): eaat3807
A Nemani, MA Yücel, U Kruger, DW Gee, C Cooper, SD Schwaitzberg
Deep Neural Networks can Predict Incident Atrial Fibrillation from the 12-lead Electrocardiogram and may help Prevent Associated Strokes
S Raghunath, JM Pfeifer, AE Ulloa-Cerna, A Nemani, T Carbonati, L Jing, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.04. 23.20067967, 2020
An ECG-based machine learning model for predicting new-onset atrial fibrillation is superior to age and clinical features in identifying patients at high stroke risk
S Raghunath, JM Pfeifer, CR Kelsey, A Nemani, JA Ruhl, DN Hartzel, ...
Journal of Electrocardiology 76, 61-65, 2023
Functional brain connectivity distinguishes surgical skill learning with surgical simulators
A Nemani, S De, X Intes
Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy, JTh3A. 53, 2018
Increased sensitivity in discriminating surgical motor skills using prefrontal cortex activation over established metrics
A Nemani, U Kruger, X Intes, S De
Optical Molecular Probes, Imaging and Drug Delivery, JTu4A. 11, 2017
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