Takip et
Paola Laiolo
Paola Laiolo
Biodiversity Research Institute (CSIC, Oviedo University, Principality of Asturias), Spain
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Consequences of pastoral abandonment for the structure and diversity of the alpine avifauna
P Laiolo, F Dondero, E Ciliento, A Rolando
Journal of Applied Ecology 41 (2), 294-304, 2004
The emerging significance of bioacoustics in animal species conservation
P Laiolo
Biological conservation 143 (7), 1635-1645, 2010
Spatial and seasonal patterns of bird communities in Italian agroecosystems
P Laiolo
Conservation Biology 19 (5), 1547-1556, 2005
Habitat fragmentation affects culture transmission: patterns of song matching in Dupont's lark
P Laiolo, JL Tella
Journal of Applied Ecology 42 (6), 1183-1193, 2005
Song diversity predicts the viability of fragmented bird populations
P Laiolo, M Vögeli, D Serrano, JL Tella
PLoS One 3 (3), e1822, 2008
Holding up a mirror to the society: Children recognize exotic species much more than local ones
M Genovart, G Tavecchia, JJ Enseñat, P Laiolo
Biological conservation 159, 484-489, 2013
Erosion of animal cultures in fragmented landscapes
P Laiolo, JL Tella
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5 (2), 68-72, 2007
Effects of habitat structure, floral composition and diversity on a forest bird community in north-western Italy.
P Laiolo
Ecological and evolutionary drivers of the elevational gradient of diversity
P Laiolo, J Pato, JR Obeso
Ecology letters 21 (7), 1022-1032, 2018
Landscape bioacoustics allow detection of the effects of habitat patchiness on population structure
P Laiolo, JL Tella
Ecology 87 (5), 1203-1214, 2006
Cuticular hydrocarbon dynamics in young adult Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) and the role of linear hydrocarbons in nestmate recognition systems
MC Lorenzi, MF Sledge, P Laiolo, E Sturlini, S Turillazzi
Journal of Insect Physiology 50 (10), 935-941, 2004
Forest bird diversity and ski-runs: a case of negative edge effect
P Laiolo, A Rolando
Animal Conservation Forum 8 (1), 9-16, 2005
Diversity and structure of the bird community overwintering in the Himalayan subalpine zone: is conservation compatible with tourism?
P Laiolo
Biological Conservation 115 (2), 251-262, 2004
Testing acoustic versus physical marking: two complementary methods for individual‐based monitoring of elusive species
P Laiolo, M Vögeli, D Serrano, JL Tella
Journal of Avian Biology 38 (6), 672-681, 2007
Life-history responses to the altitudinal gradient
P Laiolo, JR Obeso
High mountain conservation in a changing world, 253-283, 2017
Distress calls may honestly signal bird quality to predators
P Laiolo, JL Tella, M Carrete, D Serrano, G Lopez
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Local climate determines intra‐and interspecific variation in sexual size dimorphism in mountain grasshopper communities
P Laiolo, JC Illera, JR Obeso
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (10), 2171-2183, 2013
Interspecific interactions drive cultural co‐evolution and acoustic convergence in syntopic species
P Laiolo
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (3), 594-604, 2012
Effects of logging and non-native tree proliferation on the birds overwintering in the upland forests of north-western Italy
P Laiolo, E Caprio, A Rolando
Forest Ecology and Management 179 (1-3), 441-454, 2003
Fate of unproductive and unattractive habitats: recent changes in Iberian steppes and their effects on endangered avifauna
P Laiolo, JL Tella
Environmental Conservation 33 (3), 223-232, 2006
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