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Je-Hyeong Bahk
Je-Hyeong Bahk
uc.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Flexible thermoelectric materials and device optimization for wearable energy harvesting
JH Bahk, H Fang, K Yazawa, A Shakouri
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (40), 10362-10374, 2015
Electron energy filtering by a nonplanar potential to enhance the thermoelectric power factor in bulk materials
JH Bahk, Z Bian, A Shakouri
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (7), 075204, 2013
Effect of nanoparticle scattering on thermoelectric power factor
M Zebarjadi, K Esfarjani, A Shakouri, JH Bahk, Z Bian, G Zeng, J Bowers, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (20), 2009
Enhanced thermoelectric properties in bulk nanowire heterostructure-based nanocomposites through minority carrier blocking
H Yang, JH Bahk, T Day, AMS Mohammed, GJ Snyder, A Shakouri, Y Wu
Nano letters 15 (2), 1349-1355, 2015
Right sizes of nano-and microstructures for high-performance and rigid bulk thermoelectrics
H Wang, JH Bahk, C Kang, J Hwang, K Kim, J Kim, P Burke, JE Bowers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (30), 10949-10954, 2014
Characterization of the temperature dependence of the thermoreflectance coefficient for conductive thin films
T Favaloro, JH Bahk, A Shakouri
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (2), 2015
Enhancing the thermoelectric figure of merit through the reduction of bipolar thermal conductivity with heterostructure barriers
JH Bahk, A Shakouri
Applied Physics Letters 105 (5), 2014
Electron transport modeling and energy filtering for efficient thermoelectric solid solutions
JH Bahk, Z Bian, A Shakouri
Physical Review B 89 (7), 075204, 2014
Evaluating broader impacts of nanoscale thermal transport research
L Shi, C Dames, JR Lukes, P Reddy, J Duda, DG Cahill, J Lee, ...
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 19 (2), 127-165, 2015
High efficiency semimetal/semiconductor nanocomposite thermoelectric materials
JMO Zide, JH Bahk, R Singh, M Zebarjadi, G Zeng, H Lu, JP Feser, D Xu, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (12), 2010
Minority carrier blocking to enhance the thermoelectric figure of merit in narrow-band-gap semiconductors
JH Bahk, A Shakouri
Physical Review B 93 (16), 165209, 2016
Composition Modulation of Ag2Te Nanowires for Tunable Electrical and Thermal Properties
H Yang, JH Bahk, T Day, AMS Mohammed, B Min, GJ Snyder, A Shakouri, ...
Nano letters 14 (9), 5398-5404, 2014
Nanocomposites from solution‐synthesized PbTe‐BiSbTe nanoheterostructure with unity figure of merit at low‐medium temperatures (500–600 K)
B Xu, MT Agne, T Feng, TC Chasapis, X Ruan, Y Zhou, H Zheng, JH Bahk, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (10), 1605140, 2017
Full-field thermal imaging of quasiballistic crosstalk reduction in nanoscale devices
A Ziabari, P Torres, B Vermeersch, Y Xuan, X Cartoixà, A Torelló, JH Bahk, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 255, 2018
Cross-plane Seebeck coefficient and Lorenz number in superlattices
Z Bian, M Zebarjadi, R Singh, Y Ezzahri, A Shakouri, G Zeng, JH Bahk, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (20), 205311, 2007
High thermoelectric power-factor composites based on flexible three-dimensional graphene and polyaniline
YY Hsieh, Y Zhang, L Zhang, Y Fang, SN Kanakaraaj, JH Bahk, V Shanov
Nanoscale 11 (14), 6552-6560, 2019
Hot carrier filtering in solution processed heterostructures: a paradigm for improving thermoelectric efficiency
Y Zhang, JH Bahk, J Lee, CS Birkel, ML Snedaker, D Liu, H Zeng, ...
Advanced Materials 26 (17), 2755-2761, 2014
Recent advances in printable thermoelectric devices: materials, printing techniques, and applications
MS Hossain, T Li, Y Yu, J Yong, JH Bahk, E Skafidas
RSC advances 10 (14), 8421-8434, 2020
Gigantic phonon-scattering cross section to enhance thermoelectric performance in bulk crystals
J Hwang, H Kim, MK Han, J Hong, JH Shim, JY Tak, YS Lim, Y Jin, J Kim, ...
ACS nano 13 (7), 8347-8355, 2019
Computational simulations as virtual laboratories for online engineering education: A case study in the field of thermoelectricity
MDR Uribe, AJ Magana, JH Bahk, A Shakouri
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 24 (3), 428-442, 2016
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