Takip et
Yousef-Awwad Daraghmi
Yousef-Awwad Daraghmi
Palestine Technical University Kadoori- PTUK
ptuk.edu.ps üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
MedChain: A design of blockchain-based system for medical records access and permissions management
EY Daraghmi, YA Daraghmi, SM Yuan
IEEE access 7, 164595-164613, 2019
Fuzzy logic hybrid model with semantic filtering approach for pseudo relevance feedback-based query expansion
J Singh, M Prasad, YA Daraghmi, P Tiwari, P Yadav, N Bharill, M Pratama, ...
2017 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI), 1-7, 2017
Forwarding methods in data dissemination and routing protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks
YA Daraghmi, CW Yi, I Stojmenovic
IEEE network 27 (6), 74-79, 2013
UniChain: A design of blockchain-based system for electronic academic records access and permissions management
EY Daraghmi, YA Daraghmi, SM Yuan
Applied Sciences 9 (22), 4966, 2019
Negative binomial additive models for short-term traffic flow forecasting in urban areas
YA Daraghmi, CW Yi, TC Chiang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (2), 784-793, 2013
Crowdsourcing-based road surface evaluation and indexing
YA Daraghmi, TH Wu, TU İk
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (5), 4164-4175, 2020
Smart Contracts for Managing the Agricultural Supply Chain: A Practical Case Study
E Daraghmi, S Jayousi, Y Daraghmi, R Daraghmi, H Fouchal
Ieee Access, 2024
Smart Shopping Carts Based on Mobile Computing and Deep Learning Cloud Services
MA Sarwar, YA Daraghmi, KW Liu, HC Chi, TU İk, YL Li
2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2020
Edge–fog–cloud computing hierarchy for improving performance and security of NB-IoT-based health monitoring systems
YA Daraghmi, EY Daraghmi, R Daraghma, H Fouchal, M Ayaida
Sensors 22 (22), 8646, 2022
From Text to Insight: An Integrated CNN-BiLSTM-GRU Model for Arabic Cyberbullying Detection
EY Daraghmi, S Qadan, Y Daraghmi, R Yussuf, O Cheikhrouhou, M Baz
IEEE Access, 2024
A Blockchain‐Based Editorial Management System
EY Daraghmi, M Abu Helou, YA Daraghmi
Security and Communication Networks 2021 (1), 9927640, 2021
Intelligent Smartphone based system for detecting speed bumps and reducing car speed
YA Daraghmi, M Daadoo
EDP Sciences, 2016
Accurate traffic flow prediction in heterogeneous vehicular networks in an intelligent transport system using a supervised non-parametric classifier
H El-Sayed, S Sankar, YA Daraghmi, P Tiwari, E Rattagan, M Mohanty, ...
Sensors 18 (6), 1696, 2018
Smart self-checkout carts based on deep learning for shopping activity recognition
HC Chi, MA Sarwar, YA Daraghmi, KW Lin, TU Ik, YL Li
2020 21st Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS …, 2020
A Taxonomy of Data Communication Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
YA Daraghmi, I Stojmenovic, CW Yi
Mobile ad hoc networking: Cutting edge directions 35, 515-544, 2013
Accurate real-time traffic sign recognition based on the connected component labeling and the color histogram algorithms
YA Daraghmi, A Hasasneh
International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2016
Space-time multivariate negative binomial regression for urban short-term traffic volume prediction
YA Daraghmi, CW Yi, TC Chiang
2012 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 35-40, 2012
Vehicle Speed Monitoring System Based on Edge Computing
YA Daraghmi
2021 International Conference on Promising Electronic Technologies (ICPET), 2021
Digital forensic analysis of vehicular video sensors: Dashcams as a case
YA Daraghmi, I Shawahna
Sensors 23 (17), 7548, 2023
Has Covid-19 affected software usability: mobile accounting system as a case
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 101 (2), 2023
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