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Nicolas Zufferey
Nicolas Zufferey
Professor in Operations Management, University of Geneva
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A variable neighborhood search for graph coloring
C Avanthay, A Hertz, N Zufferey
European Journal of Operational Research 151 (2), 379-388, 2003
Graph colouring approaches for a satellite range scheduling problem
N Zufferey, P Amstutz, P Giaccari
Journal of Scheduling 11, 263-277, 2008
A graph coloring heuristic using partial solutions and a reactive tabu scheme
I Blöchliger, N Zufferey
Computers & Operations Research 35 (3), 960-975, 2008
A bi-objective model for planning and managing rail-truck intermodal transportation of hazardous materials
M Verma, V Verter, N Zufferey
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 48 (1 …, 2012
Variable space search for graph coloring
A Hertz, M Plumettaz, N Zufferey
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (13), 2551-2560, 2008
An adaptive memory algorithm for the k-coloring problem
P Galinier, A Hertz, N Zufferey
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (2), 267-279, 2008
Online vehicle routing and scheduling with dynamic travel times
S Lorini, JY Potvin, N Zufferey
Computers & Operations Research 38 (7), 1086-1090, 2011
A variable neighborhood search heuristic for the design of multicommodity production–distribution networks with alternative facility configurations
H Amrani, A Martel, N Zufferey, P Makeeva
OR spectrum 33, 989-1007, 2011
Metaheuristics: some principles for an efficient design
N Zufferey
Computer Technology and Applications 3 (6), 446-462, 2012
Learning variable neighborhood search for a scheduling problem with time windows and rejections
S Thevenin, N Zufferey
Discrete Applied Mathematics 261, 344-353, 2019
Ant local search and its efficient adaptation to graph colouring
M Plumettaz, D Schindl, N Zufferey
Journal of the Operational Research Society 61 (5), 819-826, 2010
The CAT metaheuristic for the solution of multi-period activity-based supply chain network design problems
MA Carle, A Martel, N Zufferey
International Journal of Production Economics 139 (2), 664-677, 2012
Metaheuristics for a scheduling problem with rejection and tardiness penalties
S Thevenin, N Zufferey, M Widmer
Journal of scheduling 18, 89-105, 2015
Order acceptance and scheduling with earliness and tardiness penalties
S Thevenin, N Zufferey, M Widmer
Journal of Heuristics 22 (6), 849-890, 2016
A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization
M Bierlaire, M Thémans, N Zufferey
INFORMS Journal on Computing 22 (1), 59-70, 2010
A solution method for a car fleet management problem with maintenance constraints
A Hertz, D Schindl, N Zufferey
Journal of Heuristics 15, 425-450, 2009
Parcel delivery cost minimization with time window constraints using trucks and drones
MA Coindreau, O Gallay, N Zufferey
Networks 78 (4), 400-420, 2021
Inventory control of raw materials under stochastic and seasonal lead times
EA Silver, N Zufferey
International Journal of Production Research 43 (24), 5161-5179, 2005
Graph multi-coloring for a job scheduling application
S Thevenin, N Zufferey, JY Potvin
Discrete Applied Mathematics 234, 218-235, 2018
An ant algorithm for the steiner tree problem in graphs
L Luyet, S Varone, N Zufferey
Workshops on Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 42-51, 2007
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