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Daniel Kaufmann
Daniel Kaufmann
President Emeritus, NRGI. Sr. Fellow, R4D, and Brookings Institution (non-resid). Prof Econ UPD
resourcegovernance.org üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Governance matters VII: Aggregate and individual governance indicators, 1996-2007
D Kaufmann, A Kraay, M Mastruzzi
World bank policy research working paper, 2008
The worldwide governance indicators: Methodology and analytical issues1
D Kaufmann, A Kraay, M Mastruzzi
Hague journal on the rule of law 3 (2), 220-246, 2011
Dodging the grabbing hand: the determinants of unofficial activity in 69 countries
E Friedman, S Johnson, D Kaufmann, P Zoido-Lobaton
Journal of public economics 76 (3), 459-493, 2000
Aggregating governance indicators
D Kaufmann, A Kraay, P Zoido-Lobatón
world Bank publications, 1999
The unofficial economy in transition
S Johnson, D Kaufmann, A Shleifer, MI Goldman, ML Weitzman
Brookings papers on economic activity 1997 (2), 159-239, 1997
Regulatory discretion and the unofficial economy
S Johnson, D Kaufmann, P Zoido-Lobaton
The American economic review 88 (2), 387-392, 1998
Growth without governance [with comments]
D Kaufmann, A Kraay, E Lora, L Pritchett
Economia 3 (1), 169-229, 2002
Seize the state, seize the day: State capture, corruption and influence in transition
JS Hellman, G Jones, D Kaufmann
Seize the Day: State Capture, Corruption and Influence in Transition …, 2000
Does" grease money" speed up the wheels of commerce?
D Kaufmann, SJ Wei
National bureau of economic research, 1999
Seize the state, seize the day: state capture and influence in transition economies
JS Hellman, G Jones, D Kaufmann
Journal of comparative economics 31 (4), 751-773, 2003
Corruption: the facts
D Kaufmann
Foreign policy, 114-131, 1997
Governance indicators: where are we, where should we be going?
D Kaufmann, A Kraay
The World Bank Research Observer 23 (1), 1-30, 2008
Integrating the unofficial economy into the dynamics of post-socialist economies: A framework of analysis and evidence
D Kaufmann, A Kaliberda
The International Politics of Eurasia: v. 8: Economic Transition in Russia …, 2016
Corruption and development
CW Gray, D Kaufman
World Bank, Washington, DC, 1998
Why do firms hide? Bribes and unofficial activity after communism
S Johnson, D Kaufmann, J McMillan, C Woodruff
Journal of public economics 76 (3), 495-520, 2000
Measuring governance, corruption, and state capture: How firms and bureaucrats shape the business environment in transition economies
JS Hellman
World Bank Publications, 2000
Civil liberties, democracy, and the performance of government projects
J Isham, D Kaufmann, LH Pritchett
The World Bank Economic Review 11 (2), 219-242, 1997
Legal corruption
D Kaufmann, PC Vicente
Economics & Politics 23 (2), 195-219, 2011
Myths and realities of governance and corruption
D Kaufmann
Available at SSRN 829244, 2005
Privatization and corruption in transition economies
D Kaufmann, P Siegelbaum
Journal of International affairs, 419-458, 1997
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