About the Mulliken electronegativity in DFT MV Putz, N Russo, E Sicilia Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 114 (1), 38-45, 2005 | 137 | 2005 |
Atomic radii scale and related size properties from density functional electronegativity formulation MV Putz, N Russo, E Sicilia The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 107 (28), 5461-5465, 2003 | 92 | 2003 |
Systematic formulations for electronegativity and hardness and their atomic scales within density functional softness theory MV Putz International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 106 (2), 361-389, 2006 | 85 | 2006 |
Linear and branched PEIs (polyethylenimines) and their property space CN Lungu, MV Diudea, MV Putz, IP Grudziński International journal of molecular sciences 17 (4), 555, 2016 | 82 | 2016 |
On the applicability of the HSAB principle through the use of improved computational schemes for chemical hardness evaluation MV Putz, N Russo, E Sicilia Journal of Computational Chemistry 25 (7), 994-1003, 2004 | 78 | 2004 |
Spectral inverse quantum (Spectral-IQ) method for modeling mesoporous systems: Application on silica films by FTIR AM Putz, MV Putz International journal of molecular sciences 13 (12), 15925-15941, 2012 | 74 | 2012 |
Introducing spectral structure activity relationship (S-SAR) analysis. Application to ecotoxicology MV Putz, AM Lacrămă International Journal of Molecular Sciences 8 (5), 363-391, 2007 | 72 | 2007 |
The bondons: The quantum particles of the chemical bond MV Putz International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11 (11), 4227-4256, 2010 | 69 | 2010 |
Density functionals of chemical bonding MV Putz International Journal of Molecular Sciences 9 (6), 1050-1095, 2008 | 68 | 2008 |
Absolute and chemical electronegativity and hardness MV Putz (No Title), 2009 | 64 | 2009 |
Effect of the Polysaccharide Extract from the Edible Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus against Infectious Bursal Disease Virus M Selegean, MV Putz, T Rugea International journal of molecular sciences 10 (8), 3616-3634, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
A Spectral-SAR Model for the Anionic-Cationic Interaction in Ionic Liquids: Application to Vibrio fischeri Ecotoxicity AM Lacrămă, MV Putz, V Ostafe International Journal of Molecular Sciences 8 (8), 842-863, 2007 | 61 | 2007 |
Topological anisotropy of Stone-Wales waves in graphenic fragments O Ori, F Cataldo, MV Putz International journal of molecular sciences 12 (11), 7934-7949, 2011 | 52 | 2011 |
Electronegativity: quantum observable MV Putz International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 109 (4), 733-738, 2009 | 52 | 2009 |
Bondonic characterization of extended nanosystems: Application to graphene’s nanoribbons MV Putz, O Ori Chemical Physics Letters 548, 95-100, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Quantum-SAR extension of the spectral-SAR algorithm. Application to polyphenolic anticancer bioactivity MV Putz, AM Putz, M Lazea, L Ienciu, A Chiriac International Journal of Molecular Sciences 10 (3), 1193-1214, 2009 | 51 | 2009 |
Maximum hardness index of quantum acid-base bonding MV Putz MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem 60 (8), 2008 | 51 | 2008 |
Electronegativity and chemical hardness: Different patterns in quantum chemistry M V Putz Current Physical Chemistry 1 (2), 111-139, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |
Parabolic reactivity “coloring” molecular topology: Application to carcinogenic PAHs MV Putz, O Ori, F Cataldo, AM Putz Current Organic Chemistry 17 (23), 2816-2830, 2013 | 49 | 2013 |
Bondonic effects in group-IV honeycomb nanoribbons with Stone-Wales topological defects MV Putz, O Ori Molecules 19 (4), 4157-4188, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |