Takip et
Mihai V. Putz
Mihai V. Putz
Prof. univ. dr. dr.-habil. in Chemistry, West University of Timisoara
e-uvt.ro üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
About the Mulliken electronegativity in DFT
MV Putz, N Russo, E Sicilia
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 114 (1), 38-45, 2005
Atomic radii scale and related size properties from density functional electronegativity formulation
MV Putz, N Russo, E Sicilia
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 107 (28), 5461-5465, 2003
Systematic formulations for electronegativity and hardness and their atomic scales within density functional softness theory
MV Putz
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 106 (2), 361-389, 2006
Linear and branched PEIs (polyethylenimines) and their property space
CN Lungu, MV Diudea, MV Putz, IP Grudziński
International journal of molecular sciences 17 (4), 555, 2016
On the applicability of the HSAB principle through the use of improved computational schemes for chemical hardness evaluation
MV Putz, N Russo, E Sicilia
Journal of Computational Chemistry 25 (7), 994-1003, 2004
Spectral inverse quantum (Spectral-IQ) method for modeling mesoporous systems: Application on silica films by FTIR
AM Putz, MV Putz
International journal of molecular sciences 13 (12), 15925-15941, 2012
Introducing spectral structure activity relationship (S-SAR) analysis. Application to ecotoxicology
MV Putz, AM Lacrămă
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 8 (5), 363-391, 2007
The bondons: The quantum particles of the chemical bond
MV Putz
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11 (11), 4227-4256, 2010
Density functionals of chemical bonding
MV Putz
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 9 (6), 1050-1095, 2008
Absolute and chemical electronegativity and hardness
MV Putz
(No Title), 2009
Effect of the Polysaccharide Extract from the Edible Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus against Infectious Bursal Disease Virus
M Selegean, MV Putz, T Rugea
International journal of molecular sciences 10 (8), 3616-3634, 2009
A Spectral-SAR Model for the Anionic-Cationic Interaction in Ionic Liquids: Application to Vibrio fischeri Ecotoxicity
AM Lacrămă, MV Putz, V Ostafe
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 8 (8), 842-863, 2007
Topological anisotropy of Stone-Wales waves in graphenic fragments
O Ori, F Cataldo, MV Putz
International journal of molecular sciences 12 (11), 7934-7949, 2011
Electronegativity: quantum observable
MV Putz
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 109 (4), 733-738, 2009
Bondonic characterization of extended nanosystems: Application to graphene’s nanoribbons
MV Putz, O Ori
Chemical Physics Letters 548, 95-100, 2012
Quantum-SAR extension of the spectral-SAR algorithm. Application to polyphenolic anticancer bioactivity
MV Putz, AM Putz, M Lazea, L Ienciu, A Chiriac
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 10 (3), 1193-1214, 2009
Maximum hardness index of quantum acid-base bonding
MV Putz
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem 60 (8), 2008
Electronegativity and chemical hardness: Different patterns in quantum chemistry
M V Putz
Current Physical Chemistry 1 (2), 111-139, 2011
Parabolic reactivity “coloring” molecular topology: Application to carcinogenic PAHs
MV Putz, O Ori, F Cataldo, AM Putz
Current Organic Chemistry 17 (23), 2816-2830, 2013
Bondonic effects in group-IV honeycomb nanoribbons with Stone-Wales topological defects
MV Putz, O Ori
Molecules 19 (4), 4157-4188, 2014
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