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Khalid A. Darabkh
Khalid A. Darabkh
Professor of Computer Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Jordan
ju.edu.jo üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
An energy efficient and secure IoT-based WSN framework: An application to smart agriculture
K Haseeb, I Ud Din, A Almogren, N Islam
Sensors 20 (7), 2081, 2020
A–Z survey of Internet of Things: Architectures, protocols, applications, recent advances, future directions and recommendations
W Kassab, KA Darabkh
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 163, 102663, 2020
Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio: Recent advances and future challenge
A Nasser, H Al Haj Hassan, J Abou Chaaya, A Mansour, KC Yao
Sensors 21 (7), 2408, 2021
BPA-CRP: A balanced power-aware clustering and routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
KA Darabkh, MZ El-Yabroudi, AH El-Mousa
Ad Hoc Networks 82, 155-171, 2019
Secret sharing-based energy-aware and multi-hop routing protocol for IoT based WSNs
K Haseeb, N Islam, A Almogren, IU Din, HN Almajed, N Guizani
IEEE Access 7, 79980-79988, 2019
A survey of 5G emerging wireless technologies featuring LoRaWAN, Sigfox, NB-IoT and LTE-M
KA Aldahdouh, KA Darabkh, W Al-Sit
2019 International conference on wireless communications signal processing …, 2019
EA-CRP: a novel energy-aware clustering and routing protocol in wireless sensor networks
KA Darabkh, NJ Al-Maaitah, IF Jafar, K Ala’F
Computers & Electrical Engineering 72, 702-718, 2018
Efficient improvements on the BDND filtering algorithm for the removal of high-density impulse noise
IF Jafar, RA AlNa'mneh, KA Darabkh
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (3), 1223-1232, 2012
A comparative study of feature extraction techniques for speech recognition system
PK Kurzekar, RR Deshmukh, VB Waghmare, PP Shrishrimal
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and …, 2014
Wireless sensor networks for smart cities: Network design, implementation and performance evaluation
A Khalifeh, KA Darabkh, AM Khasawneh, I Alqaisieh, M Salameh, ...
Electronics 10 (2), 218, 2021
On the practical usage of genetic algorithms in ecology and evolution
S Hamblin
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (2), 184-194, 2013
Merged glowworm swarm with ant colony optimization for energy efficient clustering and routing in wireless sensor network
DL Reddy, C Puttamadappa, HN Suresh
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 71, 101338, 2021
Improved clustering algorithms for target tracking in wireless sensor networks
KA Darabkh, WY Albtoush, IF Jafar
The Journal of Supercomputing 73, 1952-1977, 2017
Performance evaluation of selective and adaptive heads clustering algorithms over wireless sensor networks
KA Darabkh, SS Ismail, M Al-Shurman, IF Jafar, E Alkhader, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 35 (6), 2068-2080, 2012
SASC: Secure and authentication-based sensor cloud architecture for intelligent Internet of Things
K Haseeb, A Almogren, I Ud Din, N Islam, A Altameem
Sensors 20 (9), 2468, 2020
Energy-aware and density-based clustering and relaying protocol (EA-DB-CRP) for gathering data in wireless sensor networks
KA Darabkh, SM Odetallah, Z Al-qudah, K Ala’F, MM Shurman
Applied Soft Computing 80, 154-166, 2019
Energy consumption and network connectivity based on Novel-LEACH-POS protocol networks
R Thiagarajan
Computer Communications 149, 90-98, 2020
A new steganographic algorithm based on multi directional PVD and modified LSB
KA Darabkh, AK Al-Dhamari, IF Jafar
Information Technology and Control 46 (1), 16-36, 2017
Intelligent and secure edge-enabled computing model for sustainable cities using green internet of things
K Haseeb, IU Din, A Almogren, I Ahmed, M Guizani
Sustainable Cities and Society 68, 102779, 2021
Hierarchical clustering using genetic algorithm in wireless sensor networks
MM Shurman, MF Al-Mistarihi, AN Mohammad, KA Darabkh, AA Ababnah
2013 36th international convention on information and communication …, 2013
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