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Souba Rethinasamy
Souba Rethinasamy
Professor, Faculty of Education, Language and Communication, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The Malaysian University English Test (MUET) and its use for placement purposes: A predictive validity study
S Rethinasamy, KM Chuah
Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 8 (2), 234–245, 2011
Evaluating a CALL software on the learning of English prepositions
BH Ngu, S Rethinasamy
Computers & Education 47 (1), 41-55, 2006
Effects of PWIM in the ESL Classroom: Vocabulary Knowledge Development Among Primary Malaysian Learners
BC Lee, A Pandian, S Rethinasamy, DAL Tan
The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies (3L) 25 (4), 179-197, 2019
How important is distractor efficiency for grading Best Answer Questions?
T Puthiaparampil, M Rahman
BMC medical education 21, 1-6, 2021
Collaborative Writing Using Wiki: Tertiary Students’ Perspectives
J Ramanair, S Rethinasamy, J Misieng
Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 14 (1), 84-101, 2017
PBL Across Cultures
K Mohd-Yusof, D Arsat, MTB Borhan, E de Graaff, A Kolmos, FA Phang
Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2013
English language assessment in Malaysia: teachers’ practices in test preparation
LC Ch'ng, S Rethinasamy
Issues in Language Studies 2 (2), 2013
The Technological, Pedagogical and content Knowledge (TPACK) of Teritiary Level English Language Instructors in Integrating Technology in Language Classrooms
J Ramanair, S Rethinasamy, J Misieng
e-Journal of the Global Summit on Education, 15-19, 2017
Effects of PWIM in the ESL classroom: vocabulary knowledge development among primary Malaysian learners. 3L The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 25 (4), 179–197
BC Lee, A Pandian, S Rethinasamy, DAL Tan
Malaysian Undergraduates’ Beliefs and Motivation for Learning Japanese as a Foreign Language
S Rethinasamy, R Paee, J Ramanair
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry 12 (6), 1519-1529, 2021
New literacies: reconstructing language and education
A Pandian
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013
ESL Learners Learning Content Subject in English: What do the Malaysian First Cohort Students Say?
S Rethinasamy, KM Chuah, M Hafizan
International Journal of Learning 18 (7), 353-366, 2012
Willingness to Communicate in Relation to Language Use among Pakistani Undergraduates: A Sociocultural Perspective
U Ullah, J Ramanair, S Rethinasamy
Studies in English Language and Education 9 (1), 365-383, 2022
The effects of different rater training procedures on ESL essay raters' rating accuracy
S Rethinasamy
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 29 (s3), 401-419, 2021
Recall and Retention of Vocabulary Depth of Young Learners via PWIM
BC Lee, A Pandian, S Rethinasamy
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 28 (S2), 297-319, 2020
Perceptions of Pakistani undergraduates and teachers of collaborative learning approaches in learning English
AB Khan, J Ramanair, S Rethinasamy
Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching 6 (1), 180-197, 2023
Sociodemographic Determinants of Acculturation Stress Among International University Students
P Talwar, S Rethinasamy, K Abd Ghani, KW Tan, NF Mat Yusoff
EDUCATUM – Journal of Social Science (EJOSS) 8 (1), 23-30, 2022
Development and validation of willingness to communicate, language use and motivation questionnaire
U Ullah, J Ramanair, S Rethinasamy
Issues in Language Studies 10 (1), 20-36, 2021
Phonemic Awareness among Rural Primary School English Language Teachers in Sarawak
J Ramanair, SW Chen, S Rethinasamy, J Misieng, A Pandian
International Journal of Asian Social Science 10 (8), 434-449, 2020
Narratives of English Language Teachers on the Implementation of School-Based Assessment (SBA) in Sarawak, Malaysia
HJ Leong, S Rethinasamy
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 28 (S2), 35-52, 2020
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