Takip et
Zhiwei Liu
Zhiwei Liu
purdue.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Microstructure, mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms of Mg matrix composites reinforced with in situ nanosized TiB2 particles
P Xiao, Y Gao, C Yang, Z Liu, Y Li, F Xu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 710, 251-259, 2018
Processing and tensile properties of A356 composites containing in situ small-sized Al3Ti particulates
Z Liu, N Cheng, Q Zheng, J Wu, Q Han, Z Huang, J Xing, Y Li, Y Gao
Materials Science and Engineering: A 710, 392-399, 2018
Tribological behavior of in-situ nanosized TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 matrix composite
P Xiao, Y Gao, F Xu, C Yang, Y Li, Z Liu, Q Zheng
Tribology International 128, 130-139, 2018
Ultrasound assisted in-situ casting technique for synthesizing small-sized blocky Al3Ti particles reinforced A356 matrix composites with improved mechanical properties
C Yang, Z Liu, Q Zheng, Y Cao, X Dai, L Sun, J Zhao, J Xing, Q Han
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747, 580-590, 2018
On the preparation and mechanical properties of in situ small-sized TiB2/Al-4.5 Cu composites via ultrasound assisted RD method
J Liu, Z Liu, Z Dong, X Cheng, Q Zheng, J Li, S Zuo, Z Huang, Y Gao, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 765, 1008-1017, 2018
Ultrasound assisted in situ technique for the synthesis of particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composites
Z Liu, Q Han, J Li
Composites Part B: Engineering 42 (7), 2080-2084, 2011
Fabrication of in situ Al3Ti/Al composites by using ultrasound assisted direct reaction between solid Ti powders and liquid Al
Z Liu, Q Han, J Li
Powder technology 247, 55-59, 2013
Effect of ultrasonic vibration on microstructural evolution of the reinforcements and degassing of in situ TiB2p/Al–12Si–4Cu composites
Z Liu, Q Han, J Li, W Huang
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2), 365-371, 2012
Ultrasound assisted salts–metal reaction for synthesizing TiB2 particles at low temperature
Z Liu, M Rakita, W Xu, X Wang, Q Han
Chemical Engineering Journal 263, 317-324, 2015
In situ formed Al3Ti particles in Al alloy matrix and their effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 7075 alloy
Z Liu, M Rakita, X Wang, W Xu, Q Han
Journal of materials research 29 (12), 1354-1361, 2014
Processing, microstructure and ageing behavior of in-situ submicron TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 Mg matrix composites
P Xiao, Y Gao, X Yang, F Xu, C Yang, B Li, Y Li, Z Liu, Q Zheng
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 764, 96-106, 2018
On the understanding of aluminum grain refinement by Al-Ti-B type master alloys
X Wang, Z Liu, W Dai, Q Han
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 46, 1620-1625, 2015
Analysis of the patent cooperation network in global artificial intelligence technologies based on the assignees
MY Tsay, ZW Liu
World Patent Information 63, 102000, 2020
Effects of the addition of Ti powders on the microstructure and mechanical properties of A356 alloy
Z Liu, X Wang, Q Han, J Li
Powder technology 253, 751-756, 2014
Chalcophile element partitioning between Cu-rich sulfide phases and silicate melt and implications for the formation of Earth’s continental crust
Y Li, A Audétat, Z Liu, F Wang
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 302, 61-82, 2021
Stress bifurcation in large amplitude oscillatory shear of yield stress fluids
K Yang, Z Liu, J Wang, W Yu
Journal of Rheology 62 (1), 89-106, 2018
Friction stir processing induced elctrochemical performance improvement of commercial Al for Al-air battery
X Zheng, T Zhang, H Yang, Q Zheng, Y Gao, Z Liu, W Wang, K Wang
Electrochimica Acta 354, 136635, 2020
Formation of Small Blocky Al3Ti Particles via Direct Reaction Between Solid Ti Powders and Liquid Al
ZW Liu, Q Han, JG Li
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 4460-4463, 2012
Long-term elevated CO2 and warming enhance microbial necromass carbon accumulation in a paddy soil
Z Liu, X Liu, X Wu, R Bian, X Liu, J Zheng, X Zhang, K Cheng, L Li, G Pan
Biology and Fertility of Soils 57, 673-684, 2021
Scalable manufacturing of immiscible AlBi alloy by self-assembled nanoparticles
C Cao, W Liu, Z Liu, J Xu, I Hwang, I De Rosa, X Li
Materials & Design 146, 163-171, 2018
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