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Xiangzhen Kong
Xiangzhen Kong
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Quantitative analysis of lane-based pedestrian-vehicle conflict at a non-signalized marked crosswalk
R Almodfer, S Xiong, Z Fang, X Kong, S Zheng
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 42, 468-478, 2016
Pedestrian crossing speed patterns and running frequency analysis at a non-signalized marked crosswalk: quantitative and qualitative approaches
R Almodfer, S Xiong, X Kong, P Duan
Sustainable cities and society 34, 183-192, 2017
Development of a conceptual framework for improving safety for pedestrians using smartphones while walking: Challenges and research needs
X Kong, S Xiong, Z Zhu, S Zheng, G Long
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 3636-3643, 2015
Pedestrian crossing patterns preference at a non-signalized crosswalk
R Jamil, S Xiong, X Kong, S Zheng, Z Fang
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 3353-3359, 2015
Assessing the temporal uniformity of CIELAB<? TeX\break?> hue angle
X Kong, M Wei, MJ Murdoch, I Vogels, I Heynderickx
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 37 (4), 521-528, 2020
Multitarget tracking of pedestrians in video sequences based on particle filters
H Li, S Xiong, P Duan, X Kong
Advances in Multimedia 2012 (1), 343724, 2012
Perceived speed of changing color in chroma and hue directions in CIELAB
X Kong, MJ Murdoch, I Vogels, D Sekulovski, I Heynderickx
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 36 (6), 1022-1032, 2019
GSTA: Pedestrian trajectory prediction based on global spatio-temporal association of graph attention network
W Kong, Y Liu, H Li, C Wang, Y Tao, X Kong
Pattern Recognition Letters 160, 90-97, 2022
Dependence of Temporal Frequency and Chromaticity on the Visibility of the Phantom Array Effect
X Kong, R Vogels, C Martinsons, M Nilsson Tengelin, I Heynderickx
The 30th Quadrennial Session of the CIE (CIE 2023) 1, 347-356, 2023
Multiobject tracking via discriminative embeddings for the internet of things
H Li, X Liang, H Yin, L Xu, X Kong, TA Gulliver
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (12), 10532-10546, 2023
Modelling Contrast Sensitivity for Chromatic Temporal Modulations
X Kong, MR Bueno Pérez, IMLC Vogels, D Sekulovski, I Heynderickx
26th Color and Imaging Conference, 324-329, 2018
A Field Evaluation: The Effects of Rear-Camera-On Mode for Texting While Walking
X Kong, S Xiong, S Xiong, Z Zhu, G Long
Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2017
Dynamic color perception: how fast are the Munsell hues?
MJ Murdoch, X Kong, I Vogels, D Sekulovski, IEJ Heynderickx
Munsell Centennial Color Symposium: Bridging Science, Art, & Industry, 2018
X Liu, H Li, Y Cheng, X Kong, S Chen
Journal of Image and Graphics 29 (1), 163-178, 2024
Topologically Ordered Feature Extraction Based on Sparse Group Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Z Chen, S Xiong, Z Fang, R Zhang, X Kong, Y Rong
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 267478, 2015
Preferred Illuminance at Different Correlated Color Temperatures for Paper-and Tablet-Based Reading Tasks in an Office Environment
X Kong, TP Bruinsma, S Liu, T De Meer, MI Schädler, I Heynderickx
2024 IEEE Sustainable Smart Lighting World Conference & Expo (LS24), 1-4, 2024
Perception of Ghosting in LED Lighting: Modeling the visibility of Ghosting (or Phantom Array Effect)
X Kong, C Martinsons, MN Tengelin, IEJ Heynderickx
Dataset: Dependence of Temporal Frequency and Chromaticity on the Visibility of the Phantom Array Effect (MetTLM 20NRM01)
X Kong, R Vogels, C Martinsons, MN Tengelin, I Heynderickx
Zenodo, 2024
Generating colored lights of isoluminance in virtual reality using heterochromatic flicker photometry
X Zeng, X Kong, A Haans, L Yi, S Chen, L Jia
Proceedings of the 15th Asian Lighting Conference 2024: Future of Lighting …, 2024
Effets visuels de la modulation temporelle de la lumière, Cluster Lumière, Lyon, 5 avril 2023
C Martinsons, A Bay, X Kong
Journée Technique 2023 du Cluster Lumière Auvergen-Rhône-Alpes, 2023
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