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David Agogo
David Agogo
eccles.utah.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
“How does tech make you feel?” a review and examination of negative affective responses to technology use
D Agogo, TJ Hess
European Journal of Information Systems 27 (5), 570-599, 2018
Technostress and Technology Induced State Anxiety: Scale Development and Implications
D Agogo, TJ Hess
International Conference of Information Systems, 2015
Time benders: A model of subjective aging in aging adults
D Agogo, GR Milne, CD Schewe
Health Marketing Quarterly 31 (4), 383-398, 2014
Invisible market for online personal data: An examination
D Agogo
Electronic Markets 31 (4), 989-1010, 2021
Scale development using Twitter data: applying contemporary natural language processing methods in IS research
D Agogo, TJ Hess
Analytics and data science: advances in research and pedagogy, 163-178, 2018
An Empirical Examination of Subjective Age in Older Adults
D Agogo, F Hajjat, GR Milne, CD Schewe, B Perrott
Health marketing quarterly, 2017
Teaching Tip" The Data Shuffle": Using Playing Cards to Illustrate Data Management Concepts to a Broad Audience.
D Agogo, J Anderson
Journal of Information Systems Education 30 (2), 2019
“Yin and Yang”: Integrating the Bright Side into Dark Side Research in IS
D Agogo, T Hess
American Conference of Information Systems, 2017
Affective Responses to Technology Use: Examining the Dark Side, Exploring the Bright Side
D Agogo
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2017
Blind to Time? A Meta-Analysis of Temporal Trends of IS Research Parameters
D Agogo, TJ Hess
International Conference on Information Systems, 2016
Exploring the Effects of Mood and Computer Self-Efficacy on Computing Task Performance
D Agogo, TJ Hess, RT Wright
American Conference of Information Systems, 2015
Ekainu, the Igede man: An Essay Updating Olaudah Equiano’s Hometown of Origin
D Agogo
Available at SSRN 4599824, 2021
Trust Transfer in a Complex Technology Configuration (CTC)
D Agogo, RT Wright, CL Miltgen, G Milne
Open Affect-Responsive Systems: Toward Personalized AI to Beat Back the Waves of Technostress
D Agogo, LC Kruse
AAAI Spring Symposium, 2019
Scale Development Using Twitter Data: Applying Contemporary Natural Language
D Agogo, TJ Hess
Analytics and Data Science: Advances in Research and Pedagogy, 163, 2017
The Invisible Exchange for User Online Behavioral Data: An Examination
D Agogo
Pacific Telecommunications Council Conference 2017, 2017
Inductive Scale Development from Twitter Data: Applying Contemporary Natural Language Processing Methods in IS Research
D Agogo, TJ Hess
Business Analytics Congress, at International Conference of Information …, 2015
A Jump Into the Android App Store: What Makes a Best-Selling App?
D Agogo
JMP Discovery Summit, 2015
Who Wants to Age? Maybe You Will!
D Agogo, GR Milne, CD Schewe
Presentation at the Association for Marketing and Health Care Research …, 2013
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Makaleler 1–19