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The role of turmeric powder in lipid metabolism and its effect on quality of the first quail’s egg TR Saraswati, W Manalu, DR Ekastuti, N Kusumorini Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 38 (2), 123-130, 2013 | 100 | 2013 |
Acute heat stress responses of three lines of chickens with different heat shock protein (HSP)-70 genotypes MH Tamzil, RR Noor, PS Hardjosworo, W Manalu, C Sumantri Int. J. Poult. Sci 12 (5), 264-272, 2013 | 92 | 2013 |
Pengaruh pemberian karbon tetraklorida terhadap fungsi hati dan ginjal tikus RGP Panjaitan, E Handharyani, M Chairul, Z Zakiah, W Manalu Makara Kesehatan 11 (1), 11-16, 2007 | 90 | 2007 |
Increased egg production of Japanese quail (Cortunix japonica) by improving liver function through turmeric powder supplementation TR Saraswati, W Manalu, DR Ekastuti, N Kusumorini International journal of poultry Science 12 (10), 601-614, 2013 | 86 | 2013 |
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Assessment of thermal status of somatotropin-injected lactating Holstein cows maintained under controlled-laboratory thermoneutral, hot and cold environments W Manalu, HD Johnson, RZ Li, BA Becker, RJ Collier The Journal of nutrition 121 (12), 2006-2019, 1991 | 53 | 1991 |
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Pengaruh superovulasi sebelum perkawinan dan suplementasi seng terhadap produksi susu kambing Peranakan Etawah IKS Adriani, A Sudono, T Sutardi, W Manalu J. Ilmu Ternak 6 (2), 86-94, 2004 | 40 | 2004 |
Maternal serum progesterone concentration during gestation and mammary gland growth and development at parturition in Javanese thin-tail ewes carrying a single or multiple fetuses W Manalu, MY Sumaryadi Small Ruminant Research 27 (2), 131-136, 1998 | 40 | 1998 |
Maternal serum progesterone concentration during pregnancy and lamb birth weight at parturition in Javanese thin-tail ewes with different litter sizes W Manalu, MY Sumaryadi Small Ruminant Research 30 (3), 163-169, 1998 | 38 | 1998 |
Penggunaan tepung daun katuk dan ekstrak daun katuk (Sauropus androgynus L. Merr) sebagai substitusi ransum yang dapat menghasilkan produk puyuh Jepang rendah kolesterol S Subekti, WG Piliang, W Manalu, TB Murdiati Jitv 11 (4), 254-259, 2006 | 37 | 2006 |
Mammary gland differential growth during pregnancy in superovulated Javanese thin-tail ewes W Manalu, MY Sumaryadi, AS Satyaningtijas Small Ruminant Research 33 (3), 279-284, 1999 | 36 | 1999 |
Pendayagunaan Kalsium Media Perairan Dalam Proses Ganti Kulit dan Konsekuensinya Bagi Pertumbuhan Udang Galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) AB Zaidy, R Affandi, B Kiranadi, K Praptokardiyo, W Manalu Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia 15 (2), 117-125, 2008 | 35 | 2008 |
Pemberian pakan mengandung vitamin e dan minyak ikan pada induk memperbaiki kualitas telur dan larva ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) S Darwisito, M Zairin, DS Sjafei, W Manula, AO Sudrajat Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 7 (1), 1-10, 2008 | 34 | 2008 |
Identifikasi kelelawar pemakan buah asal Sulawesi berdasarkan morfometri TA Ransaleleh, RRA Maheswari, P Sugita, W Manalu Jurnal Veteriner 14 (4), 485-494, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |