Adaptive location constraint processing Z Xu, A Jacobsen Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2007 | 48 | 2007 |
Processing proximity relations in road networks Z Xu, HA Jacobsen Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD international conference on management of …, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Efficient constraint processing for location-aware computing Z Xu, HA Jacobsen Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile data management, 3-12, 2005 | 32 | 2005 |
Evaluating proximity relations under uncertainty Z Xu, HA Jacobsen 2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, 876-885, 2006 | 16 | 2006 |
Efficient constraint processing for highly personalized location based services Z Xu, HA Jacobsen Proceedings of the Thirtieth international conference on Very large data …, 2004 | 14 | 2004 |
A probabilistic approach for admission control to web servers Z Xu, G Bochmann Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of …, 2004 | 13 | 2004 |
Expressive location-based continuous query evaluation with binary decision diagrams Z Xu, HA Jacobsen 2009 IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 1155-1158, 2009 | 7 | 2009 |
A framework for location information processing Z Xu, HA Jacobsen Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile data management …, 2005 | 5 | 2005 |
{L-ToPSS}: Constraint Processing System for Supporting Efficient Location-based Services Z Xu, HA Jacobsen | 3 | 2005 |
Efficient Location Constraint Processing for Location-Aware Computing Z Xu | 2 | 2009 |
Proximity Relation Processing With Evolving Environment Z Xu, HA Jacobsen Technical Report, University of Toronto, www. cs. toronto. edu/∼ zhengdao …, 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
An Efficient Disk Queue I/O Mechanism W Qingsong, L Xianliang, R Liyong, Z Xu JOURNAL-UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA 32 (6), 687-691, 2003 | | 2003 |
Cation site exchange and diffusion in crystalline oxides: A high resolution Li-6 and Mg-25 NMR study. JF Stebbins, Z Xu ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 212, 47-IEC, 1996 | | 1996 |