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Dominic Ahiaga-Dagbui
Dominic Ahiaga-Dagbui
deakin.edu.au üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Cost overruns in transportation infrastructure projects: Sowing the seeds for a probabilistic theory of causation
PED Love, DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, Z Irani
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 92, 184-194, 2016
Rethinking construction cost overruns: cognition, learning and estimation
DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, SD Smith
Journal of financial management of property and construction 19 (1), 38-54, 2014
Debunking Fake News in a Post-Truth Era: The Plausible Untruths of Cost Underestimation in Transport Infrastructure Projects
PED Love, DD Ahiaga-Dagbui
Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice, 2018
Dealing with construction cost overruns using data mining
DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, SD Smith
Construction management and economics 32 (7-8), 682-694, 2014
Toward a Systemic View to Cost Overrun Causation in Infrastructure Projects: A Review and Implications for Research
DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, PED Love, SD Smith, F Ackermann
Project Management Journal 48 (2), 88-98, 2017
An industry structured for unsafety? An exploration of the cost-safety conundrum in construction project delivery
D Oswald, DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, F Sherratt, SD Smith
Safety science 122, 104535, 2020
Spotlight on construction cost overrun research: superficial, replicative and stagnated.
DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, SD Smith, PED Love, F Ackermann
New Publisher Required, 2015
On de-bunking ‘fake news’ in a post truth era: Why does the Planning Fallacy explanation for cost overruns fall short?
PED Love, LA Ika, DD Ahiaga-Dagbui
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 126, 397-408, 2019
Light Rail Transit Cost Performance: Opportunities for Future-proofing
PED Love, D.D Ahiaga-Dagbui, M. Welde, J. Odeck
Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice 100, 27–39, 2017
Neural networks for modelling the final target cost of water projects
DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, SD Smith
Procs 28th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2012, Edinburgh, UK, 307–316, 2012
Costing and technological challenges of offshore oil and gas decommissioning in the UK North Sea
DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, PED Love, A Whyte, P Boateng
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 143 (7), 05017008, 2017
Planning for production in construction: controlling costs in major capital projects
JJ Caffieri, PED Love, A Whyte, DD Ahiaga-Dagbui
Production planning & control 29 (1), 41-50, 2018
Life cycle option appraisal in retrofit buildings
OO Tokede, PED Love, DD Ahiaga-Dagbui
Energy and Buildings 178, 279-293, 2018
Building high-performing and integrated project teams
DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, O Tokede, J Morrison, A Chirnside
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 27 (10), 3341-3361, 2020
Make-or-break during production: shedding light on change-orders, rework and contractors margin in construction
PED Love, LA Ika, DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, G Locatelli, MCP Sing
Production planning & control 30 (4), 285-298, 2019
Potential Risks to International Joint Ventures In Developing Economies: The Ghanaian Construction Industry Experience
DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, FDK Fugar, JW McCarter, E Adinyira
CIBW 107 Conference on Innovation and Sustainable Construction in Developing …, 2011
"My cost runneth over": Data mining to reduce construction cost overruns.
DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, SD Smith
Procs 29th Annual ARCOM Conference, 2-4 September 2013, Reading, UK, 559-568, 2013
Cost profiling of water infrastructure projects
PED Love, DD Ahiaga-Dagbui, SD Smith, MCP Sing, O Tokede
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 24 (4), 04018023, 2018
Modelling economic risks in megaproject construction: a systemic approach.
P Boateng, D Ahiaga-Dagbui, Z Chen, S Ogunlana
ARCOM Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 2015
Future-proofing ‘Next Generation’infrastructure assets
PED Love, LA Ika, G Locatelli, DD Ahiaga-Dagbui
Frontiers of engineering management 5 (3), 407-410, 2018
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