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Kristine DE VALCK
Kristine DE VALCK
Professor of Marketing, HEC Paris
hec.fr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Networked narratives: Understanding word-of-mouth marketing in online communities
RV Kozinets, K De Valck, AC Wojnicki, SJS Wilner
Journal of marketing 74 (2), 71-89, 2010
The effect of electronic word of mouth on sales: A meta-analytic review of platform, product, and metric factors
A Babić Rosario, F Sotgiu, K De Valck, THA Bijmolt
Journal of marketing research 53 (3), 297-318, 2016
Virtual communities: A marketing perspective
K De Valck, GH Van Bruggen, B Wierenga
Decision support systems 47 (3), 185-203, 2009
Social commerce: a contingency framework for assessing marketing potential
MS Yadav, K De Valck, T Hennig-Thurau, DL Hoffman, M Spann
Journal of interactive marketing 27 (4), 311-323, 2013
Conceptualizing the electronic word-of-mouth process: What we know and need to know about eWOM creation, exposure, and evaluation
A Babić Rosario, K De Valck, F Sotgiu
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48 (3), 422-448, 2020
Virtual communities of consumption: networks of consumer knowledge and companionship
K De Valck
Satisfaction with Virtual Communities of Interest: Effect on Members' Visit Frequency*
K De Valck, F Langerak, PC Verhoef, PWJ Verlegh
British Journal of Management 18 (3), 241-256, 2007
Developing Improvisation Skills: The Influence of Individual Orientations
PV Mannucci, D Orazi, K De Valck
Administrative Science Quarterley 66 (3), 612-658, 2021
“Pixelize me!”: Digital storytelling and the creation of archetypal myths through explicit and implicit self-brand association in fashion and luxury blogs
G Kretz, K de Valck
Research in consumer behavior 12, 313-329, 2010
The effect of members' satisfaction with a virtual community on member participation
F Langerak, PC Verhoef, PWJ Verlegh, K de Valck
Available at SSRN 411641, 2003
Social control in online communities of consumption: A framework for community management
O Sibai, K De Valck, AM Farrell, JM Rudd
Psychology & Marketing 32 (3), 250-264, 2015
The war of the eTribes: online conflicts and communal consumption
K De Valck
Consumer tribes 260, 274, 2007
Marketing as a means to transformative social conflict resolution: lessons from transitioning war economies and the Colombian coffee marketing system
A Barrios, K De Valck, CJ Shultz, O Sibai, KC Husemann, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 35 (2), 185-197, 2016
Using blogs to solicit consumer feedback: The role of directive questioning versus no questioning
C Balagué, K De Valck
Journal of Interactive Marketing 27 (1), 62-73, 2013
Satisfaction and participation in virtual communities
F Langerak, PC Verhoef, PWJ Verlegh, K De Valck
Advances in Consumer Research 31, 56-57, 2004
Understanding emerging adults' consumption of TV series in the digital age: A practice-theory-based approach
S Feiereisen, D Rasolofoarison, K De Valck, J Schmitt
Journal of Business Research 95, 253-265, 2019
Videography in Cosumer Research: Visions for a Method on the Rise
J Hietanen, K De Valck, J Rokka
Finanza, marketing e produzione: rivista di economia d'impresa dell …, 2009
Lost in translation: The social shaping of marketing messaging
RV Kozinets, K de Valck, AC Wojnicki, SJS Wilner
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 6 (2), 22, 2014
Keyboard warriors in cyberfights: Conflict in online communities of consumption and its effects on community resources
O Sibai, K De Valck, A Farrell, J Rudd
Advances in Consumer Research 42, 685-686, 2014
Fashion blogging
G Kretz, K de Valck
The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption, 62-71, 2013
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