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Jordi Saldo
Jordi Saldo
Animal and Food Science Department. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Applications of high-hydrostatic pressure on milk and dairy products: a review
AJ Trujillo, M Capellas, J Saldo, R Gervilla, B Guamis
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3 (4), 295-307, 2002
Influence of ultra-high pressure homogenisation on antioxidant capacity, polyphenol and vitamin content of clear apple juice
Á Suárez-Jacobo, CE Rüfer, R Gervilla, B Guamis, AX Roig-Sagués, ...
Food chemistry 127 (2), 447-454, 2011
Application of high pressure treatment for cheese production
AJ Trujillo, M Capellas, M Buffa, C Royo, R Gervilla, X Felipe, E Sendra, ...
Food Research International 33 (3-4), 311-316, 2000
Proteolysis in caprine milk cheese treated by high pressure to accelerate cheese ripening
J Saldo, PLH McSweeney, E Sendra, AL Kelly, B Guamis
International Dairy Journal 12 (1), 35-44, 2002
Effect of UHPH on indigenous microbiota of apple juice: a preliminary study of microbial shelf-life
Á Suárez-Jacobo, R Gervilla, B Guamis, AX Roig-Sagués, J Saldo
International journal of food microbiology 136 (3), 261-267, 2010
Changes in organic acids during ripening of cheeses made from raw, pasteurized or high-pressure-treated goats’ milk
M Buffa, B Guamis, J Saldo, AJ Trujillo
LWT-Food science and technology 37 (2), 247-253, 2004
Effect of high carbon dioxide atmosphere packaging and soluble gas stabilization pre-treatment on the shelf-life and quality of chicken drumsticks
A Al-Nehlawi, J Saldo, LF Vega, S Guri
Meat science 94 (1), 1-8, 2013
High hydrostatic pressure for accelerating ripening of goat's milk cheese: proteolysis and texture
J Saldo, E Sendra, B Guamis
Journal of Food Science 65 (4), 636-640, 2000
Factors affecting bacterial inactivation during high hydrostatic pressure processing of foods: A review
QA Syed, M Buffa, B Guamis, J Saldo
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 56 (3), 474-483, 2016
Potential of sea buckthorn-based ingredients for the food and feed industry–a review
A Vilas-Franquesa, J Saldo, B Juan
Food Production, Processing and Nutrition 2, 1-17, 2020
Aseptically packaged UHPH-treated apple juice: Safety and quality parameters during storage
Á Suárez-Jacobo, J Saldo, CE Rüfer, B Guamis, AX Roig-Sagués, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 109 (2), 291-300, 2012
Synergistic effect of carbon dioxide atmospheres and high hydrostatic pressure to reduce spoilage bacteria on poultry sausages
A Al-Nehlawi, S Guri, B Guamis, J Saldo
LWT-Food Science and Technology 58 (2), 404-411, 2014
Use of ultra-high-pressure homogenization to preserve apple juice without heat damage
J Saldo, Á Suárez-Jacobo, R Gervilla, B Guamis, AX Roig-Sagués
High pressure research 29 (1), 52-56, 2009
Effects of high hydrostatic pressure treatments on biogenic amine contents in goat cheeses during ripening
S Novella-Rodríguez, MT Veciana-Nogués, J Saldo, MC Vidal-Carou
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50 (25), 7288-7292, 2002
Enriched puree potato with soy protein for dysphagia patients by using 3D printing
F Mirazimi, J Saldo, F Sepulcre, A Gràcia, M Pujola
Food Frontiers 3 (4), 706-715, 2022
Changes in water binding in high-pressure treated cheese, measured by TGA (thermogravimetrical analysis)
J Saldo, E Sendra, B Guamis
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3 (3), 203-207, 2002
High pressure treatment decelerates the lipolysis in a caprine cheese
J Saldo, A Fernández, E Sendra, P Butz, B Tauscher, B Guamis
Food research international 36 (9-10), 1061-1068, 2003
Hard cheese structure after a high hydrostatic pressure treatment at 50 MPa for 72 h applied to cheese after brining
J Saldo, E Sendra, B Guamis
Le Lait 81 (5), 625-635, 2001
Effect of subclinical intrammamay infection on milk quality in dairy sheep: I. Fresh-soft cheese produced from milk of uninfected and infected glands and from their blends
R Maristela, R Natalia, C Gerardo, S Jordi, L Gabriel
Small Ruminant Research 125, 127-136, 2015
Effect of compression and decompression rates during high hydrostatic pressure processing on inactivation kinetics of bacterial spores at different temperatures
QA Syed, K Reineke, J Saldo, M Buffa, B Guamis, D Knorr
Food Control 25 (1), 361-367, 2012
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