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Nova Dilla Yanthi
Nova Dilla Yanthi
Researcher, Research Center For Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Science
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The dynamics of circulating SARS-CoV-2 lineages in Bogor and surrounding areas reflect variant shifting during the first and second waves of COVID-19 in Indonesia
A Prasetyoputri, AB Dharmayanthi, SB Iryanto, A Andriani, I Nuryana, ...
PeerJ 10, e13132, 2022
Comparison of fresh and cryopreserved semen quality of polled and horned Bali bulls
H Hasbi, MIA Dagong, Z Zulkharnain, S Baba, H Sonjaya, S Baco, ...
Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 13 (1), 33-41, 2023
The correlation of electric conductivity values with the dairy milk quality.
ND Yanthi, S Said, A Anggraeni, R Damayanti, M Muladno
Aplikasi Bioteknologi untuk produksi bibit sapi yang sudah diketahui jenis kelaminnya.[Laporan Teknik Penelitian]
EM Kaiin, B Tappa, S Said, F Afiati, M Gunawan, ND Yanthi
Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi-LIPI, Cibinong, Bogor, 2003
Ekspresi dan Pathway Analisis Gen CD14 dan IL10 pada Sapi Perah yang Terinfeksi Mastitis Subklinis
W Widiono, A Gunawan, C Sumantri, ND Yanthi
Jurnal ilmu produksi dan teknologi Hasil Peternakan 7 (1), 10-17, 2019
Potential zoonotic spillover at the human–animal interface: A mini-review
I Fauziah, HA Nugroho, ND Yanthi, R Tiffarent, S Saputra
Veterinary World 17 (2), 289, 2024
Association of Calpain gene with carcass percentage in Sumba Ongole cattle
PP Agung, S Said, EM Kaiin, M Gunawan, ND Yanthi, N Herlina, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2628 (1), 2023
Recombinant expression protein of Type 4 Fimbrial gene (ptfA) of Pasteurella multocida
ND Yanthi, N Herlina, PP Agung, KS Dewi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (1), 012020, 2021
Mammary Gland Health and Identification of β-defensin Gene of Holstein-Friesian Cows
N Herlina, AS Wulandari, ND Yanthi, DR Aditia, MA Yaman
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478 (1), 012031, 2020
Protein analysis of Friesian Holstein and Jersey cattle frozen semen
N Herlina, ND Yanthi, M Gunawan, EM Kaiin
AIP Conference Proceedings 2970 (1), 2024
Expression of cytokine and chemokine gene families from the blood of dairy cattle infected with mastitis
ND Yanthi, A Anggraeni, S Said, R Damayanti, M Muladno
AIP Conference Proceedings 2970 (1), 2024
The basic pharmacophore virtual screening of alternative ligands and NUDT15 enzyme interaction
R Tiffarent, F Ramadhani, S Rizal, HA Nugroho, N Herlina, ND Yanthi, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 3095 (1), 2024
NRAMP1 Gene Polymorphism: A Pathogenic Bacterial Resistance Trait in Indonesia Cattle.
H Hartati, WPB Putra, ND Yanthi, S Irmawanti, DK Robba
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 60 (4), 2023
Sperm quality profile of Bali polled bull
H Hasbi, MIA Dagong, Z Zulkharnaim, S Baba, H Sonjaya, S Baco, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2628 (1), 2023
The Urgency of Identification of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) Produced Bacteria in Indonesia
R Tiffarent, CR Tjampakasari, F Ramadhani, HA Nugroho, S Rizal, ...
WARTAZOA. Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 32 (4), 2023
Expression comparison between two genes encoding CSF3 recombinant proteins having different codon composition at N-terminal in Escherichia coli
KS Dewi, FD Wahyuni, S Salsabila, ND Yanthi, AM Fuad
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 948 (1), 012081, 2021
Heat shock transformation and expression of the plasmid containing cytolethal distending toxin of Campylobacter fetus subsp venerealis in Escherichia coli
N Herlina, ND Yanthi, RD Pratiwi, KS Dewi, F Setiyoningrum, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (1), 012021, 2021
Milk Quality Distribution of Dairy Cattle at Local Farm in West Java
ND Yanthi, N Herlina, R Damayanti, A Anggraeni, S Said
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478 (1), 012017, 2020
Aktivitas gen TLRs dan CXCRs dalam Meningkatkan Ketahanan Sapi Perah terhadap Mastitis Subklinis
ND Yanthi
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2019
The effect of IVM and IVC media on in vitro development of bovine embryos
ET Mergawati, EM Kaiin, K Eriani, ND Yanthi
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 5 (4), 229-233, 2000
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