Source composition and melting temperatures of orogenic granitoids: constraints from CaO/Na2O, Al2O3/TiO2 and accessory mineral saturation thermometry S Jung, JA Pfänder European Journal of Mineralogy 19 (6), 859-870, 2007 | 301 | 2007 |
Petrogenesis of Tertiary mafic alkaline magmas in the Hocheifel, Germany C Jung, S Jung, E Hoffer, J Berndt Journal of Petrology 47 (8), 1637-1671, 2006 | 207 | 2006 |
Geochronology and petrogenesis of Pan-African, syn-tectonic, S-type and post-tectonic A-type granite (Namibia): products of melting of crustal sources, fractional … S Jung, S Hoernes, K Mezger Lithos 50 (4), 259-287, 2000 | 180 | 2000 |
Petrology and geochemistry of syn-to post-collisional metaluminous A-type granites—a major and trace element and Nd–Sr–Pb–O-isotope study from the Proterozoic Damara Belt, Namibia S Jung, K Mezger, S Hoernes Lithos 45 (1-4), 147-175, 1998 | 177 | 1998 |
Synorogenic melting of mafic lower crust: constraints from geochronology, petrology and Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotope geochemistry of quartz diorites (Damara orogen, Namibia) S Jung, S Hoernes, K Mezger Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 143 (5), 551-566, 2002 | 164 | 2002 |
Major-and trace-element systematics and isotope geochemistry of Cenozoic mafic volcanic rocks from the Vogelsberg (central Germany): constraints on the origin of continental … S Jung, P Masberg Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 86 (1-4), 151-177, 1998 | 140 | 1998 |
A possible high Nb/Ta reservoir in the continental lithospheric mantle and consequences on the global Nb budget–Evidence from continental basalts from Central Germany JA Pfänder, S Jung, C Münker, A Stracke, K Mezger Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 77, 232-251, 2012 | 139 | 2012 |
Trace element and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) arguments for a mid-crustal origin of Pan-African garnet-bearing S-type granites from the Damara orogen (Namibia) S Jung, K Mezger, S Hoernes Precambrian Research 110 (1-4), 325-355, 2001 | 120 | 2001 |
Petrology of basement-dominated terranes: I. Regional metamorphic T–t path from U–Pb monazite and Sm–Nd garnet geochronology (Central Damara orogen, Namibia) S Jung, K Mezger Chemical Geology 198 (3-4), 223-247, 2003 | 114 | 2003 |
Lower crustal melting and the role of open-system processes in the genesis of syn-orogenic quartz diorite–granite–leucogranite associations: constraints from Sr–Nd–O isotopes … T van de Flierdt, S Hoernes, S Jung, P Masberg, E Hoffer, U Schaltegger, ... Lithos 67 (3-4), 205-226, 2003 | 111 | 2003 |
Geochronology and petrology of migmatites from the Proterozoic Damara Belt—importance of episodic fluid-present disequilibrium melting and consequences for granite petrology S Jung, S Hoernes, K Mezger Lithos 51 (3), 153-179, 2000 | 103 | 2000 |
The petrogenesis of some migmatites and granites (Central Damara Orogen, Namibia): evidence for disequilibrium melting, wall-rock contamination and crystal fractionation S Jung, S Hoernes, P Masberg, E Hoffer Journal of Petrology 40 (8), 1241-1269, 1999 | 93 | 1999 |
The major-and trace-element and isotope (Sr, Nd, O) geochemistry of Cenozoic alkaline rift-type volcanic rocks from the Rhön area (central Germany): petrology, mantle source … S Jung, S Hoernes Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 99 (1-4), 27-53, 2000 | 86 | 2000 |
Geochronology in migmatites–a Sm–Nd, U–Pb and Rb–Sr study from the Proterozoic Damara belt (Namibia): implications for polyphase development of migmatites in high‐grade terranes S Jung, K Mezger Journal of metamorphic Geology 19 (1), 77-97, 2001 | 83 | 2001 |
Neo-Proterozoic rift-related syenites (Northern Damara Belt, Namibia): geochemical and Nd–Sr–Pb–O isotope constraints for mantle sources and petrogenesis S Jung, E Hoffer, S Hoernes Lithos 96 (3-4), 415-435, 2007 | 82 | 2007 |
Sources of primitive alkaline volcanic rocks from the Central European Volcanic Province (Rhön, Germany) inferred from Hf, Os and Pb isotopes S Jung, JA Pfänder, G Brügmann, A Stracke Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 150, 546-559, 2005 | 76 | 2005 |
Petrology of basement-dominated terranes: II. Contrasting isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb and O) signatures of basement-derived granites and constraints on the source region of granite … S Jung, K Mezger, S Hoernes Chemical Geology 199 (1-2), 1-28, 2003 | 76 | 2003 |
Petrology of an intrusion‐related high‐grade migmatite: implications for partial melting of metasedimentary rocks and leucosome‐forming processes S Jung, K MEZGER*, P Masberg, E Hoffer, S Hoernes Journal of metamorphic Geology 16 (3), 425-445, 1998 | 76 | 1998 |
Petrogenesis and origin of modern Ethiopian rift basalts: Constraints from isotope and trace element geochemistry D Ayalew, S Jung, RL Romer, F Kersten, JA Pfänder, D Garbe-Schönberg Lithos 258, 1-14, 2016 | 72 | 2016 |
Partial melting of diverse crustal sources—constraints from Sr–Nd–O isotope compositions of quartz diorite–granodiorite–leucogranite associations (Kaoko Belt, Namibia) S Jung, P Masberg, D Mihm, S Hoernes Lithos 111 (3-4), 236-251, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |