Takip et
Pierre Delage
Pierre Delage
Ecole des ponts
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Yielding and plastic behaviour of an unsaturated compacted silt
YJ Cui, P Delage
Géotechnique 46 (2), 291-311, 1996
Study of the structure of a sensitive Champlain clay and of its evolution during consolidation
P Delage, G Lefebvre
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 21 (1), 21-35, 1984
The relationship between suction and swelling properties in a heavily compacted unsaturated clay
P Delage, MD Howat, YJ Cui
Engineering geology 50 (1-2), 31-48, 1998
Microstructure of a compacted silt
P Delage, M Audiguier, YJ Cui, MD Howat
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 33 (1), 150-158, 1996
On the thermal consolidation of Boom clay
P Delage, N Sultan, YJ Cui
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 37 (2), 343-354, 2000
Ageing effects in a compacted bentonite: a microstructure approach
P Delage, D Marcial, YJ Cui, X Ruiz
Géotechnique 56 (5), 291-304, 2006
Temperature effects on the volume change behaviour of Boom clay
N Sultan, P Delage, YJ Cui
Engineering Geology 64 (2-3), 135-145, 2002
A thermomechanical model for saturated clays
YJ Cui, N Sultan, P Delage
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 37 (3), 607-620, 2000
SEIS: Insight’s seismic experiment for internal structure of Mars
P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, D Giardini, WT Pike, U Christensen, P Laudet, ...
Space Science Reviews 215, 1-170, 2019
Constraints on the shallow elastic and anelastic structure of Mars from InSight seismic data
P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, WT Pike, D Giardini, U Christensen, RF Garcia, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 213-220, 2020
Experimental study on the swelling behaviour of bentonite/claystone mixture
Q Wang, AM Tang, YJ Cui, P Delage, B Gatmiri
Engineering geology 124, 59-66, 2012
A model for the volume change behavior of heavily compacted swelling clays
YJ Cui, M Yahia-Aissa, P Delage
Engineering geology 64 (2-3), 233-250, 2002
Determining the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of a compacted sand–bentonite mixture under constant-volume and free-swell conditions
YJ Cui, AM Tang, C Loiseau, P Delage
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33, S462-S471, 2008
The effects of technological voids on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of compacted bentonite–sand mixture
Q Wang, AM Tang, YJ Cui, P Delage, JD Barnichon, WM Ye
Soils and Foundations 53 (2), 232-245, 2013
Clays in radioactive waste disposal
P Delage, YJ Cui, AM Tang
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2 (2), 111-123, 2010
On the high stress compression of bentonites
D Marcial, P Delage, YJ Cui
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 39 (4), 812-820, 2002
The water retention properties of a natural unsaturated loess from northern France
JA Muñoz-Castelblanco, JM Pereira, P Delage, YJ Cui
Géotechnique 62 (2), 95-106, 2012
Microstructure changes of a confined swelling soil due to suction controlled hydration
YJ Cui, C Loiseau, P Delage
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT …, 2002
Influence de la lyophilisation sur la structure d'une argile sensible du Québec
P Delage, FM Pellerin
Clay minerals 19 (2), 151-160, 1984
Recent developments in the techniques of controlling and measuring suction in unsaturated soils
P Delage, E Romero, A Tarantino
Unsaturated soils. Advances in geo-engineering, 49-68, 2008
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