Modulation of aggressive behaviour by fighting experience: mechanisms and contest outcomes Y Hsu, RL Earley, LL Wolf Biological Reviews 81 (1), 33-74, 2006 | 802 | 2006 |
An evolutionary framework for studying mechanisms of social behavior HA Hofmann, AK Beery, DT Blumstein, ID Couzin, RL Earley, LD Hayes, ... Trends in ecology & evolution 29 (10), 581-589, 2014 | 207 | 2014 |
Eavesdropping on visual cues in green swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) fights: a case for networking RL Earley, LA Dugatkin Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002 | 200 | 2002 |
Expanding the scope for social information use KE Bonnie, RL Earley Animal Behaviour 74 (2), 171-181, 2007 | 180 | 2007 |
Correlated behaviour and stress physiology in fish exposed to different levels of predation pressure GA Archard, RL Earley, AF Hanninen, VA Braithwaite Functional Ecology 26 (3), 637-645, 2012 | 161 | 2012 |
Social interactions tune aggression and stress responsiveness in a territorial cichlid fish (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) RL Earley, JT Edwards, O Aseem, K Felton, LS Blumer, M Karom, ... Physiology & Behavior 88 (4-5), 353-363, 2006 | 160 | 2006 |
Non-invasive measurement of steroids in fish-holding water: important considerations when applying the procedure to behaviour studies AP Scott, K Hirschenhauser, N Bender, R Oliveira, RL Earley, M Sebire, ... Behaviour, 1307-1328, 2008 | 139 | 2008 |
Individual recognition, dominance hierarchies and winner and loser effects LA Dugatkin, RL Earley Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004 | 110 | 2004 |
Social eavesdropping and the evolution of conditional cooperation and cheating strategies RL Earley Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010 | 109 | 2010 |
Reciprocity between endocrine state and contest behavior in the killifish, Kryptolebias marmoratus RL Earley, Y Hsu Hormones and behavior 53 (3), 442-451, 2008 | 104 | 2008 |
Audience effect is context dependent in Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens TL Dzieweczynski, RL Earley, TM Green, WJ Rowland Behavioral Ecology 16 (6), 1025-1030, 2005 | 102 | 2005 |
Measuring water-borne cortisol in convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata): is the procedure a stressor? SC Wong, M Dykstra, JM Campbell, RL Earley Behaviour, 1283-1305, 2008 | 91 | 2008 |
The Use of Standard Aggression Testing Methods to Predict Combat Behaviour and Contest Outcome in Rivulus marmoratus Dyads (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae) RL Earley, Y Hsu, LL Wolf Ethology 106 (8), 743-761, 2000 | 91 | 2000 |
Elevated 11-ketotestosterone during paternal behavior in the Bluebanded goby (Lythrypnus dalli) EW Rodgers, RL Earley, MS Grober Hormones and Behavior 49 (5), 610-614, 2006 | 86 | 2006 |
Aggression and related behavioral traits: the impact of winning and losing and the role of hormones C Chang, CY Li, RL Earley, Y Hsu Integrative and Comparative Biology 52 (6), 801-813, 2012 | 85 | 2012 |
Social status determines sexual phenotype in the bi‐directional sex changing bluebanded goby Lythrypnus dalli EW Rodgers, RL Earley, MS Grober Journal of Fish Biology 70 (6), 1660-1668, 2007 | 81 | 2007 |
How integrated are behavioral and endocrine stress response traits? A repeated measures approach to testing the stress‐coping style model K Boulton, E Couto, AJ Grimmer, RL Earley, AVM Canario, AJ Wilson, ... Ecology and evolution 5 (3), 618-633, 2015 | 75 | 2015 |
Maturity, fecundity, and reproductive cycle of the spotted ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei LAK Barnett, RL Earley, DA Ebert, GM Cailliet Marine Biology 156, 301-316, 2009 | 72 | 2009 |
Diurnal patterns and sex differences in cortisol, 11-ketotestosterone, testosterone, and 17β-estradiol in the bluebanded goby (Lythrypnus dalli) V Lorenzi, RL Earley, EW Rodgers, DR Pepper, MS Grober General and comparative endocrinology 155 (2), 438-446, 2008 | 68 | 2008 |
Physiological consequences of exposure to salinized roadside ponds on wood frog larvae and adults EM Hall, SP Brady, NM Mattheus, RL Earley, M Diamond, EJ Crespi Biological Conservation 209, 98-106, 2017 | 67 | 2017 |