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Mohammad Karimi
Mohammad Karimi
Associate Professor in GIS Department, K. N. Toosi University of Technology
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Flood susceptibility assessment using integration of adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and biogeography-based optimization (BBO) and BAT algorithms (BA)
M Ahmadlou, M Karimi, S Alizadeh, A Shirzadi, D Parvinnejhad, ...
Geocarto International 34 (11), 1252-1272, 2019
Simulating urban growth under planning policies through parcel-based cellular automata (ParCA) model
S Abolhasani, M Taleai, M Karimi, A Rezaee Node
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30 (11), 2276-2301, 2016
A GIS-based agricultural land-use allocation model coupling increase and decrease in land demand
P Pilehforooshha, M Karimi, M Taleai
Agricultural Systems 130, 116-125, 2014
GIS-based solar and wind turbine site selection using multi-criteria analysis: Case study Tehran, Iran
M Sadeghi, M Karimi
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2017
A novel approach to site selection: collaborative multi-criteria decision making through geo-social network (case study: public parking)
Z Neisani Samani, M Karimi, AA Alesheikh
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7 (3), 82, 2018
Hydrocarbon resources potential mapping using the evidential belief functions and GIS, Ahvaz/Khuzestan Province, southwest Iran
M Arab Amiri, M Karimi, A Alimohammadi Sarab
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 3929-3941, 2015
Modeling land use interaction using linguistic variables
M Karimi, MA Sharifi, MS Mesgari
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 16, 42-53, 2012
Simulating urban growth in a megalopolitan area using a patch‐based cellular automata
S Alaei Moghadam, M Karimi, K Habibi
Transactions in GIS 22 (1), 249-268, 2018
Enhanced classification and regression tree (CART) by genetic algorithm (GA) and grid search (GS) for flood susceptibility mapping and assessment
M Ahmadlou, Y Ebrahimian Ghajari, M Karimi
Geocarto International 37 (26), 13638-13657, 2022
Developing a methodology for modelling land use change in space and time
M Karimi, MS Mesgari, MA Sharifi, P Pilehforooshha
Journal of Spatial Science 62 (2), 261-280, 2017
Hydrocarbon resources potential mapping using evidential belief functions and frequency ratio approaches, southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada
M Arab Amiri, M Karimi, A Alimohammadi Sarab
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 52 (3), 182-195, 2015
An integrated framework for linear pattern extraction in the building group generalization process
P Pilehforooshha, M Karimi
Geocarto International 34 (9), 1000-1021, 2019
Extracting spatial patterns of urban gas pipeline risk considering social and structural parameters of urban blocks
P Azari, M Karimi
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 55, 16-29, 2018
A local adaptive density-based algorithm for clustering polygonal buildings in urban block polygons
P Pilehforooshha, M Karimi
Geocarto International 35 (2), 141-167, 2020
A comparative study of machine learning techniques to simulate land use changes
M Ahmadlou, MR Delavar, A Basiri, M Karimi
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 47, 53-62, 2019
Preparing mineral potential map using fuzzy logic in GIS environment
M Karimi, MB Menhaj, MS Mesgari
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2008
Agricultural land partitioning model based on irrigation efficiency using a multi‐objective artificial bee colony algorithm
M Bijandi, M Karimi, B Farhadi Bansouleh, W van der Knaap
Transactions in GIS 25 (1), 551-574, 2021
A new framework to deal with the class imbalance problem in urban gain modeling based on clustering and ensemble models
M Ahmadlou, M Karimi, RG Pontius Jr
Geocarto International 37 (19), 5669-5692, 2022
Modelling urban growth incorporating spatial interactions between the cities: The example of the Tehran metropolitan region
S Alaei Moghadam, M Karimi, K Habibi
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 47 (6), 1047-1064, 2020
Environmental and infrastructural effects on respiratory disease exacerbation: a LBSN and ANN-based spatio-temporal modelling
Z Neisani Samani, M Karimi, A Alesheikh
Environmental monitoring and assessment 192, 1-17, 2020
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