Development and validation of the political skill inventory GR Ferris, DC Treadway, RW Kolodinsky, WA Hochwarter, CJ Kacmar, ... Journal of management 31 (1), 126-152, 2005 | 2201 | 2005 |
Leader political skill and team performance KK Ahearn, GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter, C Douglas, AP Ammeter Journal of management 30 (3), 309-327, 2004 | 993 | 2004 |
Human resources management: Some new directions GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter, MR Buckley, G Harrell-Cook, DD Frink Journal of management 25 (3), 385-415, 1999 | 918 | 1999 |
Coping with abusive supervision: The neutralizing effects of ingratiation and positive affect on negative employee outcomes P Harvey, J Stoner, W Hochwarter, C Kacmar The Leadership Quarterly 18 (3), 264-280, 2007 | 746 | 2007 |
Burnout in health care: The role of the five factors of personality KL Zellars, PL Perrewe, WA Hochwarter Journal of applied social psychology 30 (8), 1570-1598, 2000 | 677 | 2000 |
Perceptions of organizational politics: Theory and research directions GR Ferris, G Adams, RW Kolodinsky, WA Hochwarter, AP Ammeter The many faces of multi-level issues, 179-254, 2002 | 638 | 2002 |
Interaction of social skill and general mental ability on job performance and salary. GR Ferris, LA Witt, WA Hochwarter Journal of applied psychology 86 (6), 1075, 2001 | 611 | 2001 |
Perceived organizational support as a mediator of the relationship between politics perceptions and work outcomes WA Hochwarter, C Kacmar, PL Perrewe, D Johnson Journal of Vocational behavior 63 (3), 438-456, 2003 | 599 | 2003 |
Conflict: An important dimension in successful management teams AC Amason, KR Thompson, WA Hochwarter, AW Harrison Organizational Dynamics 24 (2), 20-35, 1995 | 569 | 1995 |
Toward a political theory of leadership AP Ammeter, C Douglas, WL Gardner, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris The leadership quarterly 13 (6), 751-796, 2002 | 542 | 2002 |
Leader political skill and employee reactions DC Treadway, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris, CJ Kacmar, C Douglas, ... The Leadership Quarterly 15 (4), 493-513, 2004 | 509 | 2004 |
Perceived organizational support and performance: Relationships across levels of organizational cynicism ZS Byrne, WA Hochwarter Journal of Managerial Psychology 23 (1), 54-72, 2008 | 492 | 2008 |
The interaction of social skill and organizational support on job performance. WA Hochwarter, LA Witt, DC Treadway, GR Ferris Journal of applied psychology 91 (2), 482, 2006 | 449 | 2006 |
Political will, political skill, and political behavior DC Treadway, WA Hochwarter, CJ Kacmar, GR Ferris Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2005 | 445 | 2005 |
Perceived control as an antidote to the negative effects of layoffs on survivors' organizational commitment and job performance J Brockner, G Spreitzer, A Mishra, W Hochwarter, L Pepper, J Weinberg Administrative Science Quarterly 49 (1), 76-100, 2004 | 425 | 2004 |
Testing the self-efficacy—performance linkage of social—cognitive theory AW Harrison, RK Rainer Jr, WA Hochwarter, KR Thompson The Journal of social psychology 137 (1), 79-87, 1997 | 406 | 1997 |
Perceptions of organizational politics as a moderator of the relationship between consciousness and job performance. WA Hochwarter, LA Witt, KM Kacmar Journal of applied psychology 85 (3), 472, 2000 | 358 | 2000 |
Political skill as neutralizer of felt accountability—job tension effects on job performance ratings: A longitudinal investigation WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris, MB Gavin, PL Perrewé, AT Hall, DD Frink Organizational behavior and human decision processes 102 (2), 226-239, 2007 | 333 | 2007 |
Value attainment: An explanation for the negative effects of work–family conflict on job and life satisfaction. PL Perrewé, WA Hochwarter, C Kiewitz Journal of occupational health psychology 4 (4), 318, 1999 | 323 | 1999 |
Self-efficacy and political skill as comparative predictors of task and contextual performance: A two-study constructive replication IM Jawahar, JA Meurs, GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter Human Performance 21 (2), 138-157, 2008 | 287 | 2008 |