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Nick Carcioppolo
Nick Carcioppolo
PhD, Associate Professor, University of Miami
miami.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Why are tailored messages more effective? A multiple mediation analysis of a breast cancer screening intervention
JD Jensen, AJ King, N Carcioppolo, LS Davis
Journal of Communication 62 (5), 851-868, 2012
The cancer information overload (CIO) scale: Establishing predictive and discriminant validity
JD Jensen, N Carcioppolo, AJ King, CL Scherr, CL Jones, J Niederdeppe
Patient education and counseling 94 (1), 90-96, 2014
Including limitations in news coverage of cancer research: Effects of news hedging on fatalism, medical skepticism, patient trust, and backlash
JD Jensen, N Carcioppolo, AJ King, JK Bernat, LS Davis, R Yale, J Smith
Journal of health communication 16 (5), 486-503, 2011
Comparing tailored and narrative worksite interventions at increasing colonoscopy adherence in adults 50–75: A randomized controlled trial
JD Jensen, AJ King, N Carcioppolo, M Krakow, NJ Samadder, S Morgan
Social science & medicine 104, 31-40, 2014
Examining first-and second-order factor structures for news credibility
RN Yale, JD Jensen, N Carcioppolo, Y Sun, M Liu
Communication Methods and Measures 9 (3), 152-169, 2015
Do our Facebook friends make us feel worse? A study of social comparison and emotion
J Liu, C Li, N Carcioppolo, M North
Human Communication Research 42 (4), 619-640, 2016
Human versus chatbot: Understanding the role of emotion in health marketing communication for vaccines
WHS Tsai, D Lun, N Carcioppolo, CH Chuan
Psychology & marketing 38 (12), 2377-2392, 2021
Examining HPV threat-to-efficacy ratios in the Extended Parallel Process Model
N Carcioppolo, JD Jensen, SR Wilson, WB Collins, M Carrion, ...
Health communication 28 (1), 20-28, 2013
Viruses Going Viral: Impact of Fear-Arousing Sensationalist Social Media Messages on User Engagement
K Ali, Z Khawaja, C Li, L Johns, AA Ali, N Carcioppolo
Science Communication, 2019
Health information seeking and scanning among US adults aged 50–75 years: Testing a key postulate of the information overload model
JD Jensen, M Liu, N Carcioppolo, KK John, M Krakow, Y Sun
Health informatics journal 23 (2), 96-108, 2017
Comparing mediational pathways for narrative-and argument-based messages: Believability, counterarguing, and emotional reaction
MM Krakow, RN Yale, JD Jensen, N Carcioppolo, CL Ratcliff
Human Communication Research 44 (3), 299-321, 2018
How do perceived descriptive norms influence indoor tanning intentions? An application of the theory of normative social behavior
N Carcioppolo, V Orrego Dunleavy, Q Yang
Health communication 32 (2), 230-239, 2017
Perceived historical drinking norms and current drinking behavior: Using the theory of normative social behavior as a framework for assessment
N Carcioppolo, JD Jensen
Health communication 27 (8), 766-775, 2012
Reducing, maintaining, or escalating uncertainty? The development and validation of four uncertainty preference scales related to cancer information seeking and avoidance
N Carcioppolo, F Yang, Q Yang
Journal of health communication 21 (9), 979-988, 2016
Driving toward a goal and the goal‐gradient hypothesis: The impact of goal proximity on compliance rate, donation size, and fatigue
JD Jensen, AJ King, N Carcioppolo
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 43 (9), 1881-1895, 2013
Perceived visual informativeness (PVI): Construct and scale development to assess visual information in printed materials
AJ King, JD Jensen, LSA Davis, N Carcioppolo
Journal of health communication 19 (10), 1099-1115, 2014
The comparative efficacy of a hybrid guilt-fear appeal and a traditional fear appeal to influence HPV vaccination intentions
N Carcioppolo, C Li, EV Chudnovskaya, R Kharsa, T Stephan, K Nickel
Communication Research 44 (3), 437-458, 2017
Cancer information overload: discriminant validity and relationship to sun safe behaviors
JD Jensen, M Pokharel, N Carcioppolo, S Upshaw, KK John, RA Katz
Patient education and counseling 103 (2), 309-314, 2020
Measuring information overload and message fatigue toward COVID-19 prevention messages in USA and China
X Jia, S Ahn, N Carcioppolo
Health promotion international 38 (3), daac003, 2023
The relationship between low perceived numeracy and cancer knowledge, beliefs, and affect
K Ross, J Stoler, N Carcioppolo
Plos one 13 (6), e0198992, 2018
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