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Jorge Sofrony Esmeral
Jorge Sofrony Esmeral
unal.edu.co üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Anti-windup synthesis using Riccati equations
J Sofrony, MC Turner, I Postlethwaite
International Journal of Control 80 (1), 112-128, 2007
Flight testing of a rate saturation compensation scheme on the ATTAS aircraft
O Brieger, M Kerr, D Leißling, I Postlethwaite, J Sofrony, MC Turner
Aerospace Science and Technology 13 (2-3), 92-104, 2009
Anti-windup compensation of rate saturation in an experimental aircraft
O Brieger, M Kerr, D Leibling, I Postlethwaite, J Sofrony, MC Turner
2007 American Control Conference, 924-929, 2007
Anti-windup for model-reference adaptive control schemes with rate-limits
MC Turner, J Sofrony, E Prempain
Systems & Control Letters 137, 104630, 2020
Path planning of mobile robots using potential fields and swarms of Brownian particles
HE Espitia, JI Sofrony
2011 IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 123-129, 2011
Pilot-involved-oscillation suppression using low-order antiwindup: flight-test evaluation
O Brieger, M Kerr, I Postlethwaite, MC Turner, J Sofrony
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 35 (2), 471-483, 2012
Anti-windup synthesis for PIO avoidance in an experimental aircraft
J Sofrony, MC Turner, I Postlethwaite, O Brieger, D Leibling
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 5412-5417, 2006
Anti-windup synthesis for systems with rate-limits using Riccati equations
J Sofrony, MC Turner, I Postlethwaite
International Journal of Control 83 (2), 233-245, 2010
Flight testing of low-order anti-windup compensators for improved handling and PIO suppression
O Brieger, M Kerr, I Postlethwaite, J Sofrony, MC Turner
2008 American Control Conference, 1776-1781, 2008
Statistical analysis for vortex particle swarm optimization
HE Espitia, JI Sofrony
Applied Soft Computing 67, 370-386, 2018
Temperature prediction using multivariate time series deep learning in the lining of an electric arc furnace for ferronickel production
JX Leon-Medina, J Camacho, C Gutierrez-Osorio, JE Salomón, B Rueda, ...
Sensors 21 (20), 6894, 2021
Decision-making model for adaptive impedance control of teleoperation systems
J Corredor, J Sofrony, A Peer
IEEE transactions on haptics 10 (1), 5-16, 2016
Vortex particle swarm optimization
HE Espitia, JI Sofrony
2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1992-1998, 2013
Detección de colisiones con librerías V-Collide y PhysX para interacción virtual con interfaces hápticas
ML Pinto-Salamanca, JI Sofrony-Esmeral, DF Jiménez
Revista de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación 5 (2), 119-128, 2015
Algoritmo para planear trayectorias de robots móviles, empleando campos potenciales y enjambres de partículas activas brownianas
HE Espitia Cuchango, JI Sofrony Esmeral
Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina 22 (2), 75-96, 2012
2 gain bounds for systems with slope-restricted nonlinearities
MC Turner, M Kerr, I Postlethwaite, J Sofrony
Proceedings of the 2010 American control conference, 2671-2676, 2010
Anti-windup synthesis for systems with rate-limits: a Riccati equation approach
J Sofrony, MC Turner, I Postlethwaite
Proc. SICE Annual Conference, 2005
A data cleaning approach for a structural health monitoring system in a 75 mw electric arc ferronickel furnace
J Camacho-Olarte, JES Torres, DAG Jimenez, JXL Medina, RCG Vargas, ...
Engineering Proceedings 2 (1), 21, 2020
An alternative approach to anti‐windup in anticipation of actuator saturation
MC Turner, J Sofrony, G Herrmann
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 27 (6), 963-980, 2017
Algoritmo de optimización basado en enjambres de partículas con comportamiento de vorticidad y búsqueda individual y grupal
HE Espitia Cuchango, JI Sofrony Esmeral
Tecnura 18 (42), 24-37, 2014
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