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Indrasis Chakraborty
Indrasis Chakraborty
llnl.gov üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Adaptive boundary control of store induced oscillations in a flexible aircraft wing
BJ Bialy, I Chakraborty, SC Cekic, WE Dixon
Automatica 70, 230-238, 2016
Bio-refractory pollutant removal using microbial electrochemical technologies: a short review
I Das, S Das, I Chakraborty, MM Ghangrekar
J Indian Chem Soc 96, 493-497, 2019
TiO2/Activated carbon photo cathode catalyst exposed to ultraviolet radiation to enhance the efficacy of integrated microbial fuel cell-membrane bioreactor
GD Bhowmick, I Chakraborty, MM Ghangrekar, A Mitra
Bioresource Technology Reports 7, 100303, 2019
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for a Scalable Energy Transition
M Sayed-Mouchaweh, Sayed-Mouchaweh
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Virtual battery parameter identification using transfer learning based stacked autoencoder
I Chakraborty, SP Nandanoori, S Kundu
2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2018
Co-optimization scheme for the powertrain and exhaust emission control system of hybrid electric vehicles using future speed prediction
W Hong, I Chakraborty, H Wang, G Tao
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 6 (3), 533-545, 2021
Identification and validation of virtual battery model for heterogeneous devices
SP Nandanoori, I Chakraborty, T Ramachandran, S Kundu
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2019
Control of an input delayed uncertain nonlinear system with adaptive delay estimation
I Chakraborty, SS Mehta, E Doucette, WE Dixon
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 1779-1784, 2017
In situ bioremediation techniques for the removal of emerging contaminants and heavy metals using hybrid microbial electrochemical technologies
MM Ghangrekar, SM Sathe, I Chakraborty
Emerging technologies in environmental bioremediation, 233-255, 2020
Mini-channel heat sink parameter sensitivity based on precise heat flux re-distribution
I Mitra, I Ghosh
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 20, 100717, 2020
Stochastic Virtual Battery Modeling of Uncertain Electrical Loads Using Variational Autoencoder*
I Chakraborty, SP Nandanoori, S Kundu, K Kalsi
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 1305-1310, 2020
Compensating for time-varying input and state delays inherent to image-based control systems
I Chakraborty, SS Mehta, JW Curtis, WE Dixon
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 78-83, 2016
Improving primary frequency response in networked microgrid operations using multilayer perceptron‐driven reinforcement learning
N Radhakrishnan, I Chakraborty, J Xie, P Thekkumparambath Mana, ...
IET Smart Grid 3 (4), 500-507, 2020
Lyapunov-based control of an uncertain euler-lagrange system with uncertain time-varying input delays without delay rate constraints
S Obuz, A Parikh, I Chakraborty, WE Dixon
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (10), 141-146, 2016
Control of an uncertain nonlinear system with known time-varying input delays with arbitrary delay rates
I Chakraborty, S Obuz, WE Dixon
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (18), 522-527, 2016
Open-source high-fidelity aggregate composite load models of emerging load behaviors for large-sale analysis
Y Liu, S Kundu, Q Huang, M Ghosal, J Zhang, P Cappers, Y Zhang, Z Chu, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2020
Control of an uncertain Euler-Lagrange system with known time-varying input delay: A pde-based approach
I Chakraborty, S Obuz, R Licitra, WE Dixon
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 4344-4349, 2016
Industrial control system device classification using network traffic features and neural network embeddings
I Chakraborty, BM Kelley, B Gallagher
Array 12, 100081, 2021
Fault Detection for Dynamical Systems using Differential Geometric and Concurrent Learning Ap- proach
I Chakraborty, D Vrabie
10th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Technical Processes …, 2018
Handbook of smart energy systems
M Fathi, E Zio, PM Pardalos
Springer Nature, 2023
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