Takip et
Jyoti Shankar Jha
Jyoti Shankar Jha
Alleima (Formerly Sandvik Materials Technology)
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Flow stress constitutive relationship between lamellar and equiaxed microstructure during hot deformation of Ti-6Al-4V
JS Jha, SP Toppo, R Singh, A Tewari, SK Mishra
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 270, 216-227, 2019
Deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V microstructures under uniaxial loading: Equiaxed Vs. transformed-β microstructures
JS Jha, SP Toppo, R Singh, A Tewari, SK Mishra
Materials Characterization 171, 110780, 2021
Understanding activation energy of dynamic recrystallization in Inconel 718
R Gujrati, C Gupta, JS Jha, S Mishra, A Alankar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 744, 638-651, 2019
Effect of strain amplitude on low cycle fatigue and microstructure evolution in Ti-6Al-4V: A TKD and TEM characterization
JS Jha, S Dhala, SP Toppo, R Singh, A Tewari, SK Mishra, B Jayabalan
Materials Characterization 155, 109829, 2019
Recrystallization behavior of a cold rolled Ti–15V–3Sn–3Cr–3Al alloy
A Gupta, RK Khatirkar, T Dandekar, JS Jha, S Mishra
Journal of Materials Research 34 (18), 3082-3092, 2019
Laser surface treatment of α-β titanium alloy to develop a β-rich phase with very high hardness
AS Chauhan, JS Jha, S Telrandhe, V Srinivas, AA Gokhale, SK Mishra
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 288, 116873, 2021
Correlating hot deformation parameters with microstructure evolution during thermomechanical processing of inconel 718 alloy
C Gupta, JS Jha, B Jayabalan, R Gujrati, A Alankar, S Mishra
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 4714-4731, 2019
Modified rainflow counting algorithm for fatigue life calculation
V Shinde, J Jha, A Tewari, S Miashra
Proceedings of Fatigue, Durability and Fracture Mechanics, 381-387, 2018
Alpha-case formation in Ti–6Al–4V in a different oxidizing environment and its effect on tensile and fatigue crack growth behavior
P Seth, JS Jha, A Alankar, SK Mishra
Oxidation of Metals 97 (1), 77-95, 2022
Hot deformation behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with a transformed microstructure: a multimodal characterisation
JS Jha, B Jayabalan, SP Toppo, R Singh, A Tewari, SK Mishra
Philosophical Magazine 99 (12), 1429-1459, 2019
Constitutive relations for Ti-6Al-4V hot working
JS Jha, A Tewari, S Mishra, S Toppo
Procedia Engineering 173, 755-762, 2017
Numerical simulation of micro hot embossing of polymer substrate
JS Jha, SS Joshi
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 13, 2215-2224, 2012
Influence of tempering in different melting routes on toughness behavior of AISI 4340 steel
M Manokaran, AS Kashinath, JS Jha, SP Toppo, RP Singh
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29, 6748-6760, 2020
Effect of the primary alpha fraction on the dwell fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy
A Ranjan, A Singh, JS Jha, SK Mishra
International Journal of Fatigue 175, 107745, 2023
Finite element analysis-based approach for stress concentration factor calculation
Y Hodhigere, JS Jha, A Tewari, S Mishra
Proceedings of Fatigue, Durability and Fracture Mechanics, 1-6, 2018
The role of microstructure inhomogeneity in Ti-6Al-4V forging on fracture toughness behavior
A Ranjan, JS Jha, SK Mishra
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 31 (10), 7989-8003, 2022
Understanding flow behavior and microstructure evolution during thermomechanical processing of mill-annealed Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy
JS Jha, SP Toppo, R Singh, A Tewari, SK Mishra
Materials Performance and Characterization 8 (5), 916-931, 2019
Microstructural effects and constitutive modelling of cyclic softening behaviour in Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloys
A Ranjan, H Maharaja, S Mishra, D Sahoo, JS Jha, SK Mishra, A Singh
Materials Science and Engineering: A 901, 146527, 2024
Understanding the stress rupture behavior and microstructural changes in austenitic stainless steel SS321
M Manokaran, AS Kashinath, JS Jha, SP Toppo, R Singh
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30 (12), 9165-9180, 2021
Development and removal of alpha-case layer from heat treated titanium alloys
N Mohite, S Biradar, JS Jha, S Mishra, A Tewari
Gas Turbine India Conference 58516, V002T10A011, 2017
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