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Aitor García-Pablos
Aitor García-Pablos
logically.ai üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Hate speech dataset from a white supremacy forum
O de Gibert, N Perez, A García-Pablos, M Cuadros
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online (ALW2), 11-20, 2018
W2VLDA: almost unsupervised system for aspect based sentiment analysis
A García-Pablos, M Cuadros, G Rigau
Expert Systems with Applications 91, 127-137, 2018
Automatic analysis of textual hotel reviews
A García-Pablos, M Cuadros, MT Linaza
Information Technology & Tourism 16 (1), 45-69, 2016
What drives the helpfulness of online reviews? A deep learning study of sentiment analysis, pictorial content and reviewer expertise for mature destinations
E Bigne, C Ruiz, A Cuenca, C Perez, A Garcia
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 20, 100570, 2021
A lexicon based sentiment analysis retrieval system for tourism domain
A García, S Gaines, MT Linaza
e-Review of Tourism Research 10 (2), 35-38, 2012
Sensitive data detection and classification in Spanish clinical text: Experiments with BERT
A García-Pablos, N Perez, M Cuadros
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.03106, 2020
V3: Unsupervised aspect based sentiment analysis for semeval2015 task 12
AG Pablos, M Cuadros, G Rigau
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2015
V3: Unsupervised generation of domain aspect terms for aspect based sentiment analysis
AG Pablos, M Cuadros, G Rigau
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2014
Vicomtech at cantemist 2020
A García-Pablos, N Perez, M Cuadros
Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2020), CEUR …, 2020
Correlating languages and sentiment analysis on the basis of text-based reviews
A García-Pablos, AL Duca, M Cuadros, MT Linaza, A Marchetti
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2016: Proceedings of …, 2016
OpeNER: open tools to perform natural language processing on accommodation reviews
A García-Pablos, M Cuadros, MT Linaza
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015: Proceedings of …, 2014
A Comparison of Domain-based Word Polarity Estimation using different Word Embeddings
A García-Pablos, M Cuadros, G Rigau
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Autopunct: A bert-based automatic punctuation and capitalisation system for spanish and basque
A González-Docasal, A García-Pablos, H Arzelus, A Álvarez
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 67, 59-68, 2021
Unsupervised word polarity tagging by exploiting continuous word representations
A García-Pablos, M Cuadros, G Rigau
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, 127-134, 2015
Vicomtech at ALexS 2020: Unsupervised Complex Word Identification Based on Domain Frequency.
E Zotova, M Cuadros, N Perez, AG Pablos
IberLEF@ SEPLN, 7-14, 2020
Vicomtech at BARR2: Detecting Biomedical Abbreviations with ML Methods and Dictionary-based Heuristics.
M Cuadros, N Pérez, I Montoya, AG Pablos
IberEval@ SEPLN, 322-328, 2018
Unsupervised acquisition of domain aspect terms for Aspect Based Opinion Mining
AG Pablos, M Cuadros, G Rigau, S Gaines
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 53, 121-128, 2014
The multilingual anonymisation toolkit for public administrations (MAPA) project
Ē Ajausks, V Arranz, L Bié, A Cerdà-i-Cucó, K Choukri, M Cuadros, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2020
Vicomtech at eHealth-KD Challenge 2020: Deep End-to-End Model for Entity and Relation Extraction in Medical Text
A García-Pablos, N Perez, M Cuadros, E Zotova
Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum co-located with 36th …, 2020
Opener demo: Open polarity enhanced named entity recognition
A García-Pablos, M Cuadros, S Gaines, G Rigau
Come Hack with OpeNER, 12, 2013
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