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Nai-Wen Chi
Nai-Wen Chi
Institute of Human Resource Management National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
mail.nsysu.edu.tw üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Examining the mechanisms linking transformational leadership, employee customer orientation, and service performance: The mediating roles of perceived supervisor and coworker …
YJ Liaw, NW Chi, A Chuang
Journal of Business and Psychology 25, 477-492, 2010
Testing the relationship between three-component organizational/occupational commitment and organizational/occupational turnover intention using a non-recursive model
HT Chang, NW Chi, MC Miao
Journal of vocational behavior 70 (2), 352-368, 2007
Want a tip? Service performance as a function of emotion regulation and extraversion.
NW Chi, AA Grandey, JA Diamond, KR Krimmel
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (6), 1337, 2011
Exploring the linkages between formal ownership and psychological ownership for the organization: The mediating role of organizational justice
NW Chi, TS Han
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 81 (4), 691-711, 2008
How Do Happy Leaders Enhance Team Success? The Mediating Roles of Transformational Leadership, Group Affective Tone, and Team Processes1
NW Chi, YY Chung, WC Tsai
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 41 (6), 1421-1454, 2011
Positive group affective tone and team creativity: Negative group affective tone and team trust as boundary conditions
WC Tsai, NW Chi, AA Grandey, SC Fung
Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (5), 638-656, 2012
A double-edged sword? Exploring the curvilinear relationship between organizational tenure diversity and team innovation: The moderating role of team-oriented HR practices
NW Chi, YM Huang, SC Lin
Group & Organization Management 34 (6), 698-726, 2009
A multilevel investigation of missing links between transformational leadership and task performance: The mediating roles of perceived person-job fit and person-organization fit
NW Chi, SY Pan
Journal of Business and Psychology 27, 43-56, 2012
Show me the money! Do financial rewards for performance enhance or undermine the satisfaction from emotional labor?
AA Grandey, NW Chi, JA Diamond
Personnel Psychology 66 (3), 569-612, 2013
Exploring the relationships between perceived coworker loafing and counterproductive work behaviors: The mediating role of a revenge motive
TK Hung, NW Chi, WL Lu
Journal of Business and Psychology 24, 257-270, 2009
Customer negative events and employee service sabotage: The roles of employee hostility, personality and group affective tone
NW Chi, WC Tsai, SM Tseng
Work & Stress 27 (3), 298-319, 2013
The effects of applicant résumé contents on recruiters' hiring recommendations: The mediating roles of recruiter fit perceptions
WC Tsai, NW Chi, TC Huang, AJ Hsu
Applied Psychology 60 (2), 231-254, 2011
Emotional labor predicts service performance depending on activation and inhibition regulatory fit
NW Chi, AA Grandey
Journal of Management 45 (2), 673-700, 2019
Mechanisms linking transformational leadership and team performance: The mediating roles of team goal orientation and group affective tone
NW Chi, JC Huang
Group & Organization Management 39 (3), 300-325, 2014
Can personality traits and daily positive mood buffer the harmful effects of daily negative mood on task performance and service sabotage? A self-control perspective
NW Chi, HT Chang, HL Huang
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 131, 1-15, 2015
Exploring the moderating roles of perceived person–job fit and person–organisation fit on the relationship between training investment and knowledge workers' turnover intentions
HT Chang, NW Chi, A Chuang
Applied Psychology 59 (4), 566-593, 2010
Does training facilitate SME's performance?
NW Chi, CY Wu, CYY Lin
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 19 (10), 1962-1975, 2008
Service workers’ chain reactions to daily customer mistreatment: Behavioral linkages, mechanisms, and boundary conditions.
NW Chi, J Yang, CY Lin
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 23 (1), 58, 2018
Emotion cycles in services: emotional contagion and emotional labor effects
XY Liu, NW Chi, DD Gremler
Journal of Service Research 22 (3), 285-300, 2019
Linking ICT availability demands to burnout and work-family conflict: The roles of workplace telepressure and dispositional self-regulation
KY Kao, NW Chi, CL Thomas, HT Lee, YF Wang
The Journal of Psychology 154 (5), 325-345, 2020
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