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Elliot Saltzman
Elliot Saltzman
Boston University; Haskins Laboratories
bu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A dynamical approach to gestural patterning in speech production
EL Saltzman, KG Munhall
Ecological psychology 1 (4), 333-382, 1989
Skilled actions: a task-dynamic approach.
E Saltzman, JA Kelso
Psychological review 94 (1), 84, 1987
Action representation of sound: audiomotor recognition network while listening to newly acquired actions
A Lahav, E Saltzman, G Schlaug
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (2), 308-314, 2007
Space–time behavior of single and bimanual rhythmical movements: Data and limit cycle model.
BA Kay, JA Kelso, EL Saltzman, G Schöner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 13 (2), 178, 1987
The dynamical perspective on speech production: Data and theory
JAS Kelso, EL Saltzman, B Tuller
Journal of Phonetics 14 (1), 29-59, 1986
The elastic phrase: Modeling the dynamics of boundary-adjacent lengthening
D Byrd, E Saltzman
Journal of Phonetics 31 (2), 149-180, 2003
Levels of sensorimotor representation
E Saltzman
journal of Mathematical Psychology 20 (2), 91-163, 1979
Coordination and coarticulation in speech production
CA Fowler, E Saltzman
Language and speech 36 (2-3), 171-195, 1993
The role of vocal tract gestural action units in understanding the evolution of phonology
L Goldstein, D Byrd, E Saltzman
Action to language via the mirror neuron system, 215-249, 2006
Dynamic action units slip in speech production errors
L Goldstein, M Pouplier, L Chen, E Saltzman, D Byrd
Cognition 103 (3), 386-412, 2007
Intragestural dynamics of multiple prosodic boundaries
D Byrd, E Saltzman
Journal of Phonetics 26 (2), 173-199, 1998
A qualitative dynamic analysis of reiterant speech production: Phase portraits, kinematics, and dynamic modeling
JAS Kelso, E Vatikiotis‐Bateson, EL Saltzman, B Kay
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 77 (1), 266-280, 1985
Task dynamic coordination of the speech articulators: A preliminary model
E Saltzman
Experimental brain research series 15, 129-144, 1986
The development of rulebound strategies for manipulating seriated cups: A parallel between action and grammar
PM Greenfield, K Nelson, E Saltzman
Cognitive psychology 3 (2), 291-310, 1972
Modes of perceiving and processing information
HL Pick, S Elliot
Modes of perceiving and processing information, 1-20, 2014
Steady-state and perturbed rhythmical movements: a dynamical analysis.
BA Kay, EL Saltzman, JA Kelso
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 17 (1), 183, 1991
Phrasal signatures in articulation
D Byrd, A Kaun, S Narayanan, E Saltzman
Papers in laboratory phonology V, 70-87, 2000
Self-organization of syllable structure: A coupled oscillator model
H Nam, L Goldstein, E Saltzman
Approaches to phonological complexity 16, 299-328, 2009
A task-dynamic toolkit for modeling the effects of prosodic structure on articulation
E Saltzman, H Nam, J Krivokapic, L Goldstein
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on speech prosody (speech …, 2008
Task-dynamics of gestural timing: Phase windows and multifrequency rhythms
E Saltzman, D Byrd
Human Movement Science 19 (4), 499-526, 2000
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