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Vahid Azari
Vahid Azari
BP International Ltd
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Application of a radial basis function neural network to estimate pressure gradient in water–oil pipelines
MA Halali, V Azari, M Arabloo, AH Mohammadi, A Bahadori
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 58, 189-202, 2016
Vapor liquid equilibrium prediction of carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon systems using LSSVM algorithm
M Mesbah, E Soroush, V Azari, M Lee, A Bahadori, S Habibnia
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 97, 256-267, 2015
Electrokinetic properties of asphaltene colloidal particles: Determining the electric charge using micro electrophoresis technique
V Azari, E Abolghasemi, A Hosseini, S Ayatollahi, F Dehghani
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 541, 68-77, 2018
A hybrid intelligent computational scheme for determination of refractive index of crude oil using SARA fraction analysis
A Tatar, A Shokrollahi, MA Halali, V Azari, H Safari
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 93 (9), 1547-1555, 2015
Gradient descent algorithm to optimize the offshore scale squeeze treatments
V Azari, O Vazquez, E Mackay, K Sorbie, M Jordan
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208, 109469, 2022
Economic Optimization and Calcite Scale Management of CO2-EOR in Carbonate Reservoirs
H Rodrigues, E Mackay, D Arnold, V Azari, O Vazquez
SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, D022S009R007, 2020
Squeeze design optimization by considering operational constraints, numerical simulation and mathematical modelling
V Azari, O Vazquez, E Mackay, K Sorbie, M Jordan, L Sutherland
SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, D022S009R006, 2020
Long-term Strategy Optimization of Scale Squeeze Treatment in a Carbonate Reservoir Under CO2-WAG Water-Alternating-Gas Injection
V Azari, H Rodrigues, A Suieshova, O Vazquez, E Mackay
SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry?, D011S003R006, 2021
Scale Treatment Optimization in Geothermal Wells
V Azari, M Al Badi, O Vazquez, M Al-Kalbani, E Mackay
SPE Europec featured at 82nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition. 2020 (1), 1-16, 2020
Uncertainty quantification of pseudo-adsorption isotherm history matching
O Vazquez, V Azari, I Fursov, E Igben, E Mackay
SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, D022S009R004, 2020
Tuning of Peng-Robinson equation of state for simulation of oil compositional change during EOR processes
M Majidi, V Azari, F Karimi
82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2021 (1), 1-5, 2021
Isotherm history matching and scale squeeze treatment design optimization in the Gulf of Mexico
T Tambach, J Lee, V Azari, O Vazquez
SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, D012S010R003, 2022
Non-uniqueness of adsorption isotherm history matching in squeeze treatments
V Azari, O Vazquez, H Kuncoro, E Mackay
SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, D012S010R006, 2022
Full-Field Optimization of Offshore Squeeze Campaigns in Total Gulf of Guinea Fields
V Azari, O Vazquez, S Baraka-Lokmane, E Mackay, S Brice
SPE Production & Operations 36 (04), 843-857, 2021
Reservoir Fluid Data Workflow Management to Enhance the Operational Efficiency
V Azari, D Gonzalez, A Edirisooriya, H Makin, Y Wang, Y Liu, C Clara
Fifth EAGE Digitalization Conference & Exhibition 2025 (1), 1-4, 2025
The Importance of Geochemistry and Geochemical Modelling for De-risking Subsurface CO2 Storage
R Utley, S Houston, Y Zapata, V Azari, N Reece, J Hodgkinson
Available at SSRN 5069494, 2024
Integrated optimization of scale inhibitor squeeze treatment
V Azari
Heriot-Watt University, 2022
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