Look away: the anti-saccade task and the voluntary control of eye movement DP Munoz, S Everling Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5 (3), 218-228, 2004 | 1703 | 2004 |
Salience, relevance, and firing: a priority map for target selection JH Fecteau, DP Munoz Trends in cognitive sciences 10 (8), 382-390, 2006 | 1180 | 2006 |
Maturation of widely distributed brain function subserves cognitive development B Luna, KR Thulborn, DP Munoz, EP Merriam, KE Garver, NJ Minshew, ... Neuroimage 13 (5), 786-793, 2001 | 1044 | 2001 |
An anti-diabetes agent protects the mouse brain from defective insulin signaling caused by Alzheimer’s disease–associated Aβ oligomers TR Bomfim, L Forny-Germano, LB Sathler, J Brito-Moreira, JC Houzel, ... The Journal of clinical investigation 122 (4), 1339-1353, 2012 | 968 | 2012 |
Saccade-related activity in monkey superior colliculus. I. Characteristics of burst and buildup cells DP Munoz, RH Wurtz Journal of neurophysiology 73 (6), 2313-2333, 1995 | 800 | 1995 |
Age-related performance of human subjects on saccadic eye movement tasks DP Munoz, JR Broughton, JE Goldring, IT Armstrong Experimental brain research 121, 391-400, 1998 | 782 | 1998 |
Fixation cells in monkey superior colliculus. I. Characteristics of cell discharge DP Munoz, RH Wurtz Journal of neurophysiology 70 (2), 559-575, 1993 | 768 | 1993 |
Neuronal activity in monkey superior colliculus related to the initiation of saccadic eye movements MC Dorris, M Pare, DP Munoz Journal of Neuroscience 17 (21), 8566-8579, 1997 | 681 | 1997 |
Neuronal correlates for preparatory set associated with pro-saccades and anti-saccades in the primate frontal eye field S Everling, DP Munoz Journal of Neuroscience 20 (1), 387-400, 2000 | 660 | 2000 |
A model of saccade initiation based on the competitive integration of exogenous and endogenous signals in the superior colliculus TP Trappenberg, MC Dorris, DP Munoz, RM Klein Journal of cognitive neuroscience 13 (2), 256-271, 2001 | 563 | 2001 |
Fixation cells in monkey superior colliculus. II. Reversible activation and deactivation DP Munoz, RH Wurtz Journal of neurophysiology 70 (2), 576-589, 1993 | 550 | 1993 |
Saccadic probability influences motor preparation signals and time to saccadic initiation MC Dorris, DP Munoz Journal of Neuroscience 18 (17), 7015-7026, 1998 | 513 | 1998 |
Lateral inhibitory interactions in the intermediate layers of the monkey superior colliculus DP Munoz, PJ Istvan Journal of neurophysiology 79 (3), 1193-1209, 1998 | 495 | 1998 |
Role of primate superior colliculus in preparation and execution of anti-saccades and pro-saccades S Everling, MC Dorris, RM Klein, DP Munoz Journal of Neuroscience 19 (7), 2740-2754, 1999 | 479 | 1999 |
Quantifying center bias of observers in free viewing of dynamic natural scenes PH Tseng, R Carmi, IGM Cameron, DP Munoz, L Itti Journal of vision 9 (7), 4-4, 2009 | 465 | 2009 |
Altered control of visual fixation and saccadic eye movements in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder DP Munoz, IT Armstrong, KA Hampton, KD Moore Journal of neurophysiology 90 (1), 503-514, 2003 | 447 | 2003 |
Human fMRI evidence for the neural correlates of preparatory set JD Connolly, MA Goodale, RS Menon, DP Munoz Nature neuroscience 5 (12), 1345-1352, 2002 | 437 | 2002 |
Role of the rostral superior colliculus in active visual fixation and execution of express saccades DP Munoz, RH Wurtz Journal of Neurophysiology 67 (4), 1000-1002, 1992 | 433 | 1992 |
TNF-α mediates PKR-dependent memory impairment and brain IRS-1 inhibition induced by Alzheimer’s β-amyloid oligomers in mice and monkeys MV Lourenco, JR Clarke, RL Frozza, TR Bomfim, L Forny-Germano, ... Cell metabolism 18 (6), 831-843, 2013 | 426 | 2013 |
Deficits in saccadic eye-movement control in Parkinson's disease F Chan, IT Armstrong, G Pari, RJ Riopelle, DP Munoz Neuropsychologia 43 (5), 784-796, 2005 | 393 | 2005 |