A Neptune-sized transiting planet closely orbiting a 5–10-million-year-old star TJ David, LA Hillenbrand, EA Petigura, JM Carpenter, IJM Crossfield, ... Nature 534 (7609), 658-661, 2016 | 231 | 2016 |
Wōtan: Comprehensive time-series detrending in Python M Hippke, TJ David, GD Mulders, R Heller The Astronomical Journal 158 (4), 143, 2019 | 228 | 2019 |
exoplanet: Gradient-based probabilistic inference for exoplanet data & other astronomical time series D Foreman-Mackey, R Luger, E Agol, T Barclay, LG Bouma, TD Brandt, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.01994, 2021 | 221 | 2021 |
The ages of early-type stars: Strömgren photometric methods calibrated, validated, tested, and applied to hosts and prospective hosts of directly imaged exoplanets TJ David, LA Hillenbrand The Astrophysical Journal 804 (2), 146, 2015 | 165 | 2015 |
Rotation of Low-mass Stars in Upper Scorpius and ρ Ophiuchus with K2 LM Rebull, JR Stauffer, AM Cody, LA Hillenbrand, TJ David, ... The Astronomical Journal 155 (5), 196, 2018 | 144 | 2018 |
Age determination in Upper Scorpius with eclipsing binaries TJ David, LA Hillenbrand, E Gillen, AM Cody, SB Howell, HT Isaacson, ... The Astrophysical Journal 872 (2), 161, 2019 | 112 | 2019 |
New low-mass eclipsing binary systems in Praesepe discovered by K2 E Gillen, LA Hillenbrand, TJ David, S Aigrain, L Rebull, J Stauffer, ... The Astrophysical Journal 849 (1), 11, 2017 | 110 | 2017 |
A warm Jupiter-sized planet transiting the pre-main-sequence star V1298 Tau TJ David, AM Cody, CL Hedges, EE Mamajek, LA Hillenbrand, DR Ciardi, ... The Astronomical Journal 158 (2), 79, 2019 | 102 | 2019 |
K2 discovers a busy bee: an unusual transiting neptune found in the beehive cluster C Obermeier, T Henning, JE Schlieder, IJM Crossfield, EA Petigura, ... The Astronomical Journal 152 (6), 223, 2016 | 94 | 2016 |
Rotation of Low-mass Stars in Taurus with K2 LM Rebull, JR Stauffer, AM Cody, LA Hillenbrand, J Bouvier, N Roggero, ... The Astronomical Journal 159 (6), 273, 2020 | 90 | 2020 |
K2-136: A binary system in the Hyades cluster hosting a Neptune-sized planet DR Ciardi, IJM Crossfield, AD Feinstein, JE Schlieder, EA Petigura, ... The Astronomical Journal 155 (1), 10, 2017 | 87 | 2017 |
New Pleiades eclipsing binaries and a Hyades transiting system identified by K2 TJ David, KE Conroy, LA Hillenbrand, KG Stassun, J Stauffer, LM Rebull, ... The Astronomical Journal 151 (5), 112, 2016 | 86 | 2016 |
Rotation in the Pleiades with K2. III. Speculations on Origins and Evolution J Stauffer, L Rebull, J Bouvier, LA Hillenbrand, A Collier-Cameron, ... The Astronomical Journal 152 (5), 115, 2016 | 85 | 2016 |
Four newborn planets transiting the young solar analog V1298 Tau TJ David, EA Petigura, R Luger, D Foreman-Mackey, JH Livingston, ... The Astrophysical Journal Letters 885 (1), L12, 2019 | 84 | 2019 |
The κ Andromedae system: new constraints on the companion mass, system age, and further multiplicity S Hinkley, L Pueyo, JK Faherty, BR Oppenheimer, EE Mamajek, AL Kraus, ... The Astrophysical Journal 779 (2), 153, 2013 | 80 | 2013 |
K2 discovery of young eclipsing binaries in Upper Scorpius: direct mass and radius determinations for the lowest mass stars and initial characterization of an eclipsing brown … TJ David, LA Hillenbrand, AM Cody, JM Carpenter, AW Howard The Astrophysical Journal 816 (1), 21, 2015 | 76 | 2015 |
Orbiting clouds of material at the Keplerian co-rotation radius of rapidly rotating low-mass WTTs in Upper Sco J Stauffer, AC Cameron, M Jardine, TJ David, L Rebull, AM Cody, ... The Astronomical Journal 153 (4), 152, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
A Continuum of Accretion Burst Behavior in Young Stars Observed by K2 AM Cody, LA Hillenbrand, TJ David, JM Carpenter, ME Everett, SB Howell The Astrophysical Journal 836 (1), 41, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
A low-mass exoplanet candidate detected by K2 transiting the Praesepe M dwarf JS 183 J Pepper, E Gillen, H Parviainen, LA Hillenbrand, AM Cody, S Aigrain, ... The Astronomical Journal 153 (4), 177, 2017 | 59 | 2017 |
Identifying contributions to the stellar halo from accreted, kicked-out, and in situ populations AA Sheffield, SR Majewski, KV Johnston, K Cunha, VV Smith, AM Cheung, ... The Astrophysical Journal 761 (2), 161, 2012 | 59 | 2012 |