Viral marketing-establishing customer relationships by'word-of-mouse' S Helm Electronic markets 10 (3), 158-161, 2000 | 587 | 2000 |
Modeling the impact of corporate reputation on customer satisfaction and loyalty using partial least squares S Helm, A Eggert, I Garnefeld Handbook of partial least squares: Concepts, methods and applications, 515-534, 2009 | 556 | 2009 |
The role of corporate reputation in determining investor satisfaction and loyalty S Helm Corporate reputation review 10, 22-37, 2007 | 536 | 2007 |
Designing a formative measure for corporate reputation S Helm Corporate reputation review 8, 95-109, 2005 | 496 | 2005 |
Employees' awareness of their impact on corporate reputation S Helm Journal of Business Research 64 (7), 657-663, 2011 | 492 | 2011 |
One reputation or many? Comparing stakeholders' perceptions of corporate reputation S Helm Corporate communications: an international journal 12 (3), 238-254, 2007 | 447 | 2007 |
Differentiating environmental concern in the context of psychological adaption to climate change SV Helm, A Pollitt, MA Barnett, MA Curran, ZR Craig Global Environmental Change 48, 158-167, 2018 | 346 | 2018 |
A matter of reputation and pride: Associations between perceived external reputation, pride in membership, job satisfaction and turnover intentions S Helm British journal of management 24 (4), 542-556, 2013 | 342 | 2013 |
Exploring the impact of relationship transparency on business relationships: A cross-sectional study among purchasing managers in Germany A Eggert, S Helm Industrial Marketing Management 32 (2), 101-108, 2003 | 258 | 2003 |
Growing existing customers’ revenue streams through customer referral programs I Garnefeld, A Eggert, SV Helm, SS Tax Journal of Marketing 77 (4), 17-32, 2013 | 252 | 2013 |
Kundenwert–eine Einführung in die theoretischen und praktischen Herausforderungen der Bewertung von Kundenbeziehungen S Helm, B Günter Kundenwert: Grundlagen–Innovative Konzepte–Praktische Umsetzungen, 3-38, 2006 | 240 | 2006 |
Navigating the ‘retail apocalypse’: A framework of consumer evaluations of the new retail landscape S Helm, SH Kim, S Van Riper Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 54, 101683, 2020 | 215 | 2020 |
Exploring the impact of employees’ self-concept, brand identification and brand pride on brand citizenship behaviors SV Helm, U Renk, A Mishra European Journal of Marketing 50 (1/2), 58-77, 2016 | 211 | 2016 |
Kundenempfehlungen als marketinginstrument S Helm Springer-Verlag, 2013 | 211 | 2013 |
Identifizierung und Quantifizierung mediierender und moderierender Effekte in komplexen Kausalstrukturen A Eggert, G Fassott, S Helm Handbuch PLS-Pfadmodellierung, Stuttgart, 101-116, 2005 | 210 | 2005 |
How does corporate reputation affect customer loyalty in a corporate crisis? S Helm, J Tolsdorf Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 21 (3), 144-152, 2013 | 205 | 2013 |
Kundenwert: Grundlagen-Innovative Konzepte-Praktische Umsetzungen B Günter, S Helm Springer-Verlag, 2007 | 190 | 2007 |
Walk your talk: an experimental investigation of the relationship between word of mouth and communicators’ loyalty I Garnefeld, S Helm, A Eggert Journal of Service Research 14 (1), 93-107, 2011 | 165 | 2011 |
Suppliers' willingness to end unprofitable customer relationships: An exploratory investigation in the German mechanical engineering sector S Helm, L Rolfes, B Günter European Journal of Marketing 40 (3/4), 366-383, 2006 | 147 | 2006 |
Reputation management S Helm, K Liehr-Gobbers, C Storck Springer Science & Business Media, 2011 | 146 | 2011 |