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Marco Pitteri
Marco Pitteri
Department of Neuropsychology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, UCLH, London, UK
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Alıntı yapanlar
Inflammatory intrathecal profiles and cortical damage in multiple sclerosis
R Magliozzi, OW Howell, R Nicholas, C Cruciani, M Castellaro, ...
Annals of neurology 83 (4), 739-755, 2018
Increased cortical lesion load and intrathecal inflammation is associated with oligoclonal bands in multiple sclerosis patients: a combined CSF and MRI study
G Farina, R Magliozzi, M Pitteri, R Reynolds, S Rossi, A Gajofatto, ...
Journal of Neuroinflammation 14 (1), 40, 2017
Cognitive impairment predicts disability progression and cortical thinning in MS: An 8-year study
M Pitteri, C Romualdi, R Magliozzi, S Monaco, M Calabrese
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 23 (6), 848-854, 2017
Regional Distribution and Evolution of Gray Matter Damage in Different Populations of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
M Calabrese, R Reynolds, R Magliozzi, M Castellaro, A Morra, A Scalfari, ...
PLoS ONE 10 (8), e0135428, 2015
Visual Scanning Training, Limb Activation Treatment, and Prism Adaptation for rehabilitating left neglect: Who is the winner?
K Priftis, L Passarini, C Pilosio, F Meneghello, M Pitteri
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7 (360), 2013
The CSF profile linked to cortical damage predicts multiple sclerosis activity
R Magliozzi, A Scalfari, AI Pisani, S Ziccardi, D Marastoni, FB Pizzini, ...
Annals of neurology 88 (3), 562-573, 2020
Multi-tasking uncovers right spatial neglect and extinction in chronic left-hemisphere stroke patients
E Blini, Z Romeo, C Spironelli, M Pitteri, F Meneghello, M Bonato, M Zorzi
Neuropsychologia 92, 147-157, 2016
Social cognition deficits and the role of amygdala in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis patients without cognitive impairment
M Pitteri, H Genova, J Lengenfelder, J DeLuca, S Ziccardi, V Rossi, ...
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 29, 118-123, 2019
Epilepsy in multiple sclerosis: The role of temporal lobe damage
M Calabrese, M Castellaro, A Bertoldo, A De Luca, FB Pizzini, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 23 (3), 473-482, 2017
Ask the experts how to treat individuals with spatial neglect: a survey study
P Chen, M Pitteri, G Gillen, H Ayyala
Disability and rehabilitation 40 (22), 2677-2691, 2018
Naturally together: pitch-height and brightness as coupled factors for eliciting the SMARC effect in non-musicians
M Pitteri, M Marchetti, K Priftis, M Grassi
Psychological Research, 12, 2015
Larger, smaller, odd or even? Task-specific effects of optokinetic stimulation on the mental number space
M Ranzini, M Lisi, E Blini, M Pitteri, B Treccani, K Priftis, M Zorzi
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 27 (4), 459-470, 2015
Conventional and functional assessment of spatial neglect: Clinical practice suggestions
M Pitteri, P Chen, L Passarini, S Albanese, F Meneghello, AM Barrett
Neuropsychology, 2018
Is two better than one? Limb activation treatment combined with contralesional arm vibration to ameliorate signs of left neglect
M Pitteri, G Arcara, L Passarini, F Meneghello, K Priftis
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 460, 2013
Optokinetic Stimulation Modulates Neglect for the Number Space: Evidence from Mental Number Interval Bisection
K Priftis, M Pitteri, F Meneghello, C Umiltà, M Zorzi
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6 (23), 2012
CSF parvalbumin levels reflect interneuron loss linked with cortical pathology in multiple sclerosis
R Magliozzi, M Pitteri, S Ziccardi, AI Pisani, L Montibeller, D Marastoni, ...
Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 8 (3), 534-547, 2021
Potential neuroprotective effect of Fingolimod in multiple sclerosis and its association with clinical variables
M Pitteri, R Magliozzi, A Bajrami, V Camera, M Calabrese
Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 19 (4), 387-395, 2018
Zero in the brain: A voxel-based lesion–symptom mapping study in right hemisphere damaged patients
S Benavides-Varela, L Passarini, B Butterworth, G Rolma, F Burgio, ...
Cortex 77, 38-53, 2016
Spatial grounding of symbolic arithmetic: an investigation with optokinetic stimulation
E Blini, M Pitteri, M Zorzi
Psychological research 83 (1), 64-83, 2019
Lost in classification: Lower cognitive functioning in apparently cognitive normal newly diagnosed RRMS patients
M Pitteri, S Ziccardi, C Dapor, M Guandalini, M Calabrese
Brain Sciences 9 (11), 321, 2019
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